Chapter 5: The Uninvited Guest

Start from the beginning

Monel: Joan?


Kit's POV

We were watching the twin's favorite movie when they fall asleep on the couch. My mom went back in the province with my dad and will return tomorrow with him and Kieng for a family lunch with Beam, Forth, Wayo and Phana with their kids since we were neighbors. I received a text from Beam and informed me that we will tell them tomorrow that we saw Ming. I am not really sure if that will be a good idea but they know that I hate secrets and Beam knows that I'm a bad liar. I was about to prepare the dinner when I heard a loud knock on the door. I checked who it was and it was a woman. Maybe she's here for a check up.

Kit: I am sorry but the clinic is closed until further notice.

She kept knocking on the door and it is getting louder. She tried to open the door and I am starting to get scared and think that she might be like to stalkers that we encountered in college. I approached my twins.

Kit: Kimmy and Coppie, can you go to mommy's room, lock the door and hide in the closet? Here, have my phone. Once you are in the closet, make sure to call your uncle Phana and Beam and tell him that there's a crazy woman outside our house. 

Kim: Why mom?

Cop: Come and hide with us mom. 

Kit: I will so can you go ahead before me. I will follow after you. Kim take care of your little brother ok? You're the big brother, there's a baseball bat in the closet as well but make sure that you hide and lock the door. Come out when I told you so.

Kim: Yes mom, I will. Lets go Cop.

My Kimmy held his little brother's hand and went straight to the second floor to get to my room. I took a baseball bat at the kitchen's closet and went back to the door. Now, the crazy woman is kicking the door and banging the door as hard as she can. 

Kit: Who are you? I need you to go or I will call the police.

Crazy Woman: Where is he! Return him to me! He is no longer yours! 

Kit: What are you talking about!

Crazy Woman: Don't play dumb on me! Give him back to me! 

Kit: Hey you crazy woman, if you will not leave right away, I will call the police.

Crazy Woman: Give my Monel back! 

The woman stopped kicking and banging the door. I peaked at the door and saw her crying on the floor. I was about to approach her to check if she is fine when she stood up and forced herself to get into the house. I lose my balance and fell on the floor. The crazy woman started shouting again and looking at the every room of the house.

Crazy Woman: Monel! Where are you! Show yourself. I am sorry I lied to you. Please come back to me baby! You don't belong here anymore.

Kit: I told you there is no Monel here. Please leave. I already called the police.

Crazy Woman: Don't lie to me Kittinan. I know he's here.

Kit: How did you know who I am?

Crazy Woman: Oh please, don't flatter yourself! I am not leaving without him!

Kit: I told you there is no Monel! Leave now! 

I tried to grab on to the crazy woman and drag him out of our house when I saw someone standing at the door. It's Ming. My Mingkwan. I was about to approach him when the crazy woman pushed me and I fell on the floor. She ran towards him and hugged him. 

Kit: Ming?

Monel: Joan, what are you doing here? 

Joan: Monel! I've been looking for you. Please forgive me. Can we please talk? I want you back. Please.

Kim: Daddy?

Cop: Is that you Daddy?

I was shocked that my twins are looking at their father begging for explanation. I see Ming looking at them dumbfoundedly and trying to come up for an answer. I am not sure what to tell to my twins. Oh God, this is happening too fast. What will I do? I need to lie.

Kit: Hi, babies. No, he's not your daddy. He looked like your dad...

Monel: Hi babies. I am your daddy. I miss you babies.

Kim and Cop: Daddy! We miss you! Where have you been? **I looked at Ming and confused. I tried to asked for an explanation.**

Monel: Babies, I will talk to this auntie at the door and I will come back, ok?

Kim: Ok, please make sure to come back to us. Mommy has been crying ever since you disappear. **Ming looked at me with pity. Did he remember me?**

Monel: Ok, I promise. **Why the hell he made a promise like that if he doesn't remember us yet.**

Cop: Promise us daddy! 

Monel: I am. **Ming kissed the twins at their forehead and stood up to approach the crazy woman but Cop grabbed Ming's shirt and Ming looked at him.**

Cop: You forgot to kiss Mommy. **Monel kneel down and kiss me at the forehead.**

Kim: Not there daddy, you need to kiss him in the lips where you always kiss mommy before going to work. 

Both of us shocked and looked at each other. I stood up so he doesn't have to kneel down to give me a peck in the lips. My dear twins! This is torture. You know how long I have been longing for his lips. I was about to give him a peck when he suddenly kiss me. It was rough but it was passionate. How much I long for your sweet kisses. I kissed back and put my arms around his neck and the kiss lasted for 3 minutes. We stopped as we grasp for air and looked into each other's eyes. I looked at the crazy woman and she is glaring at me and to the kids. I let go of him and he saw me looking at the woman. He gave me another peck on the check and whispered with his deep low voice.

Monel: I will come back for you and for the twins. So wait for me and talk about the......... kiss and us. 

Kit: Ok......

He approached the crazy woman and the crazy woman put her arms around him and tried to kiss him but Ming stopped her by putting his hand to her lips and remove her arms around his neck. He looked back at me and he nod as if he is signaling that he will be gone for a while but he will come back. He will come back. My Ming will come back. 


Yehey!!!!! They kissed!!! They finally kissed again!!!! I hate that crazy woman and the flirtations girl! I hope you like this chapter!! Next chapter is on the way. ❤❤❤❤

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