Chapter 17 The Date Note

Start from the beginning

Naruto, a boy with strong chakra named Uzumaki, that can use powerful jutsu that cost a lot of chakra so easily. The fact his chakra itself was potent, and his now red hair further made this connection stronger.

Also, the fact that the last known Uzumaki, besides Naruto, was a confirmed Uzumaki named Kushina Uzumaki, and she was noted to having died during the Kyuubi incident on Naruto's birthday only made his heritance that much more obvious to ANYONE that had actually payed attention in class. Kushina Uzumaki was no slouch, having been an Elite Jonin that fought in the last war and made a name for herself. The fact of the matter is that people had seen a pregnant Kushina Uzumaki on the day of her death, and Naruto's birth.

The fact that Kushina Uzumaki was KNOWN to having been pregnant with the 4th Hokage's child... that hadn't really been a secret either. Many people had seen the two of them together all the time, and though they had different last names, the fact they were a couple and had a home together was more than enough to confirm for people that she was pregnant with his child.

Of course, that led her to the conclusion that Naruto was the son of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. When he had been blond, he had looked like a carbon copy of the Fourth Hokage, and now he looks like a carbon copy of Kushina Uzumaki... with different eyes. How nobody else had noticed this was beyond Tenten, when the facts were staring everyone right in the face that the legacy of two great and powerful ninja. You didn't even have to look that hard to find the truth of the matter.

She was NOT about to let such a catch slip through her fingers, because some shy little girl had a crush on him. He was already showing signs of being a very powerful ninja in his own right, and was the son of one of Tenten's top three role models. Tsunade Senju being her top role model, Kushina Uzumaki being her second favorite, and Mito Uzumaki being her third favorite.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, being shy is something I don't do." Naruto boldly stated with a grin on his face. Tenten rolled her eyes, before she grabbed his head and dunked it under the water so that bubbles started to come up. She let him up moments later and he sprayed the water in her face, soaking her face even more than it was before.

"Hey, I have been meaning to ask you something... you are a guy, so why doesn't your penis or nuts slip out when you wear panties?" Tenten asked a question she had been wondering for awhile now after seeing the Flame Empress Armor he used. It didn't leave much to the imagination.

"Well, the panties are part of the armor to make sure that nothing slips out. Everything in them, stays in them. It is how I fought without worrying about anything slipping out." Erza told him when Naruto blinked and looked confused about that as well. He gained a knowing look in his eyes, since it sort of made sense to him.

"The panties are special... what about your boxers?" Naruto asked with a wiggling eyebrow. Tenten stood up and the boxers were shown clinging to her skin, showing off the nice curve she had to her butt.

"These, trust me when I say it wasn't something completely by choice. Believe it or not, they are more sturdy than panties, and I have Summoning Seals on the inside of them. I can launch a surprise attack." Tenten said as she reached down the front of the boxers, and in a puff of smoke that came out of the legs of the boxers, she showed that she was now holding a dagger when she pulled her hand out of her boxers. Naruto blinked in surprise at the fact that she didn't wear them just to wear them, but instead she had a real reason for wearing them as well. Tenten put her hand with the dagger back into the boxers, before she made a handsign and smoke puffed out of the boxers again, showing she had her dagger stored away.

Smart girl.

"Wow, you have GOT to teach me how to do that." Naruto said as he leaned forward and looked at the front of her boxers. Tenten blushed a little bit, but knew his attention wasn't on her crotch, but on the boxers themselves that she had seals imprinted on. Summoning Seals were seals that allowed you to store weapon away in a small rip in space and time, keeping items stored in a time safe space. Time would have no effect on anything stores inside of the seal. It was one of the more basic times of Space-Time sealing techniques.

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