Jaanvi peaked out her bedroom door seeing everyone smiling, overjoyed and satisfied with her answer. She wasn't sure if the decision was right or wrong but one person made her smile like she never did before.

Her father.

He had tears of joy, she could see the relief in his eyes as he breaths and his shoulders slump down in relaxation. It looks like a heavy weight was off his chest. Why wouldn't it be? A daughter's wedding is a huge dream of every parents, in her case, her fathers all alone.

You never asked me anything in return for your love Hero but today I'm so glad I could do something to bring tears of joy in your eyes. I'm satisfied. She smiling looking at her superhero.

"Jaave" She catches her father's voice from downstairs making her nervous once again. She had to face everyone, she had to face him. "Jaave!"

"Coming Hero." She counters back from her room so nobody catches her watching them. Straightening her clothes and checking herself in the mirror she exits her bedroom and makes her way down. "It's not late, I should run in the opposite direction." She tells herself looking down at her feet. Her temple creased in tension.

"Jaanvi." She heard Roshni's delighted voice.

"Too late." She mumbles to herself and forces her straight lips to smile at others and look equally as happy as them. "Am I supposed to blush or something?" Jaanvi pulls of an awkward and uncomfortable smile on her face seeing everyone looking at her.

"Thank you!" Roshni wraps her arms tightly around her soon-to-be daughter-in-law, "Thank you!" Her excitement had no boundaries.

Jaanvi unwraps herself from the women's arms and laughing dryly, "Oh come on aunty, I'm not giving you a house, it's only marriage." As soon as she says it she cringes. Right, I'm only marrying him. Nothing else, right? She's actually thinking over it now doubting herself.

"You gave me more than that." Kiaan's mother beams ears to ear.

"Jaave." She glances to her right seeing her father's lips twitched in a gigantic smile with soft eyes. His eyes were glittering in joy, his princess was going to get married soon. "Iaa, haap" Ansh speaks after looking at her for few minutes.

Ishaani will be happy.

"Iaa happy, very happy. Because you're happy." Jaanvi's voice cracks a little trying to swallow the fat ugly and acid like lump.

She bear hugs him, wrapping her thin arms around him tightly to pass all her mighty energy to him. "S-she's happy," She tells her father, giving her strength to him and buries her head on his chest.

Jaanvi was enjoying and loving this small cherishing moment with her father but Kiaan interrupted by a hard grip on her right arm. She was pulled away from her father and looks at Kiaan. He didn't trouble his eyes to look back at her, instead—shocking her—he hugs her father assure him that his daughter would be safe.

"I'll take care of her." He tender heartedly whispers into Ansh's ear as a promise. Unaware of how much pressured he has lifted of the old man's chest. In return he mumbles a small but honourable thank you.

Nobody heard Kiaan and Ansh's private conversation. They were all shocked with the sudden gesture by Kiaan's. Everyone knew he's not a cuddling or touchy or an expressive person as others. So this was something to look at.

Jaanvi didn't know how to react. Be happy by his act of kindness by hugging her father—offering him comfort—or angry that he pulled her away from her own moment with Ansh.

Once the embrace ends he grasps the sight of everyone looking astonished and confused seeing the gestured, "What? I'm also a human." His tone was cold and harsh, his eyes held Jaanvi's as if this answer was dedicated to her. "I-I'm going to my room." He muttered walking away feeling weird with his own reaction.

Kiaan suddenly felt the need to hug—to comfort a worried dripping father. He couldn't accept that fact that he felt bad, bad for taking away a daughter from her father. Bad seeing their tears. Bad being the reason behind it.

He wasn't as bad as she thought.


They say walls have ears but what's worse is mouth. Human mouth.

Jaanvi just told her best friend Aditi her decision regarding the proposal, within one second Aditi congratulated her and wished her the best for her future. Her best friend wanted to come over but because of how late it has been Jaanvi thought better of it. The sky was nothing but dark, signalling towards a thunderstorm.

"Are you happy?" Aditi whispers lowly from her bedroom. She settles her novel on her study desk and sits by the window of her bedroom. Gazing at the same beautiful moon her best was watching too.

Jaanvi considers her friends question. The moon was the only source of light in the sky tonight. "I-I don't know."

"Hey," Aditi starts of. Her voice uplifting. "Look in the bright side. You'll probably—I'm sure you will—travel outside of India for your honeymoon which is awesome, I may add. And you'll have someone to cuddle with when you watch those sad boring movies. And you will finally get to kiss someone." Her best friend giggles causing Jaanvi to snicker.

"Yeah, right. No thank you." She throws the offer down the drain. "I'd prefer being the only living human being who's never kissed anyone then kiss that Kaan." She boldly says.

"We'll talk when you have babies with him." Jaanvi ignores that little statement just like the previous one. "But seriously. Talk to me." So she does. Aditi facetimes her best friend from their laptops and peers into the screen. "Are you happy?"

She starts crying her heart out. Her lamp light was the only source of light in her bedroom. She adjusts the laptop on her lap but it keeps shaking because of her trembling body. Holding her head in her hands, Jaanvi wails. "I'm scared." She confesses for the first time.

Aditi's face churns in sadness. "God. I wish I could come." She could but Jaanvi hasn't allowed it because everyone's asleep. "Why are you scared?"

"Because I am." How else was she supposed to word it. "He's been living in New York City for ten years. I don't know what kind of person of life style he has. I'm scared of a broken—failure relationship." Jaanvi does her best not to cry as she speaks.

"He's not a jerk. But I do understand your concerns." Aditi mumbles. "I wouldn't know how you feel in depth because I'm not in your situation but I honestly think uncle would have considered this piece of information before it even accrued in your head."

At this Jaanvi's tension dies a little. Easing off her pulsing veins. She blows her nose on the tissue and wipes her tears. "Aunty came to see me—a few hours ago—and spoke. She told me he's got temper issues."

Aditi scoffs. "Who doesn't? You do too."

Jaanvi shakes her head vaguely. "She sounded serious."

Aditi's FBI mode turns on. She brings the laptop closer to her making her face look huge. "Did he lose his temper in front of you?"

He didn't. "No." She answers truthfully.

"Then?" Her friend yawns. "I'll see you tomorrow at the café. We'll talk everything out, okay? Please don't procrastinate and sleep. You'll be awake in the near future, anyways." Aditi jokes at her pun which Jaanvi ignores and hangs up.  

Married My Enemy
Edited On – 26/04/2020 (4:17 p.m)

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