That day he became my enemy.

Author's Pov:

'People talk, everyone talks. It's up to you if you accept what they say or not. Learn to ignore, ignore it like me.' he suggests her through his sign language. 'You can never judge anyone or anything too quick. Life is about ups and downs. Everyone faces it at some point of their lives. Trust me, trust your father.' She nodded wiping her tears away and smiles at him.

"Ugh" she screeches holding her head. "Why am I even remembering this now? Why am I remembering dad's words? There's no way I'm marrying him. The guy who ruined my school life. I-I can't trust dad on t-this."

She always trusted her father but with this she couldn't. She didn't want to.

She found Kiaan annoying from the day they met but that time she didn't hate him. But now she did. She had every right to, she hated his attitude. He was also so confident, unlike her, and she envies it sometimes.

The way he talks—his arrogance—the way he looks at her, smirks at her, shows off in front of her. She hates it all way more than she can describe. Living under the same roof with him was impossible for her to even think about.

Walking to her cupboard she remembers the book her father gave her few minutes ago. She never saw it or read it before so this was new and rather fascinating. Picking it up she opens it putting it on her lap,

When I first met Ishaani, I liked her instantly. Her smile was beautiful, her eyes. She was beautiful.

She reads smiling to herself. "I know dad, I know."

When she first got to know I couldn't talk everyone was pitying me, I didn't like being treated differently. After all I was normal except for the talking difficulties. She noticed that and she felt bad. Ishaani did something for me but I couldn't understand it. She cracked a joke about me being mute. I frowned, after all I didn't like it.

All the attraction I had for her faded hearing her words, I walked away in anger until she ran behind me placing her hand on my shoulder stopping me.

'I cracked that joke so everyone would become normal, I wanted to lighten the mood. I didn't mean to taunt you or make fun of you. I'm sorry Ansh.'

She said my name, my name for the first time. I never felt this nice hearing my name from anyone mouth. Listening to her carefully I understood she was trying to help me, not trying to hurt my feelings.

Sometimes we think too much, too much that it eats up our ability to understand and see the truth.

She shut the book and gazes at the picture on her wall. Of her father and her. "D-does that mean I'm being too judgemental about Kiaan?" She questions herself looking at the photo. "But I still can't marry him." She sighs laying on the bed.

Just then she heard a knock on the door. Opening the door she saw Roshni, Kaan's mother.  Jaanvi gestures her to come in which she did.

"I want to talk to you about something Jaanvi." Roshni sounded serious for the first time, "Ishaani and I grew up together, w-we were best friends. Till date no one can ever replace her. I know you might think it was stupid of us promising each other about getting our children married but it's not. S-she loved Kiaan like her own child, that's why she wanted to have a daughter. A daughter who'd become my daughter-in-law." She squeezed Jaanvi's hand. Her eyes pleading in desperation.

"B-but she left before even seeing your face," Jaanvi's eye became soft hearing Roshni's voice. Nobody has ever worded this out so generously. "We didn't think about it much, we never thought if our children would like each other or not. I know you don't like him much but i-I need your help Jaanvi. I-I need you to help him." She saw a helpless and pleading mother in front of her.

"H-help?" The girl repeats the word looking confused.

Roshni nods, "Kiaan gets angry very quick. He's short tempered, he hasn't done any harm to anyone but he needs someone Jaanvi, someone to help him control himself. I want you to become his wife, if not you than Raj will get him married to his friend's daughter. I can't let that happen, not because I hate her but because you're my Ishaani's daughter. I can't see someone else as Kiaan's wife but only you."

Jaanvi blinks a few times before moving her hand away from Roshni carefully so it doesn't come across rude, "Than that's another reason why I shouldn't marry him. He hates me already, who knows he'll burry me alive in his closet. I can't deal with his anger." She straight-forwardly puts her opinions ahead of her mother's best friend.

"You can. I've seen it." Roshni responds instantly, "I've noticed it. Every time you answer back he-he's someone controls. He forgets everything, he just concentrates on firing back at you. He never lost his temper in front of you."

"But marriage is a lifetime commitment Aunty, i-I can't. N-not forever. I can't s-stay with him."

"Your mother loved him. Your dad likes him. I see you as his wife, only you. I-I don't want to lose him. Please." She pleads folding her hands in front of a discomforting looking Jaanv. Blinking her eyes, she heads out of Jaanvi's room leaving her all alone in confusion.

One thing kept repeating in her head.

"Should I marry him?"

Sometimes we think too much, too much that it eats up our ability to understand the truth.

Your mum loved him.

Your dad likes him.

I can only see you as my son's wife.

Sometimes we think too much, too much that it eats up our ability to understand the truth.

Sometimes we think too much, too much that it eats up our ability to understand the truth.

Sometimes we think too much, too much that it eats up our ability to understand the truth.

She blinks her eyes shut. Her long eye lashes frame her gorgeous earthy eyes as she exhales out a scream. "Stop it." Jaanvi holds her head. "I'll marry him. For mummy. For Hero."

Married My Enemy
Edited On – 26/04/2020 (1:32 p.m.)

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