Chapter 6: Teams?

Start from the beginning

"Team One, Risaki Noi, Kataka Sakana..." the teacher droned on, the names being lazily forgotten by Yomei. He honestly didn't care about the teams much, all he wanted to know was who he was going to be teaming up with and trying to figure out exactly why. He could feel the glares of the Jounin on his back, prompting him to itch his body all over the place, it isn't a pleasant feeling.

It wasn't really his fault for telling Naruto how to get through the anbu without getting caught, and it also wasn't his fault that three Jounin overheard it. In all fairness he thought the three Jounin coming were further away then they were. He was pouring all his excess chakra (chakra that wasn't getting sealed into the palm of his hand for reasons that he will probably explain later) was forced into sensing oncoming chakra signals from far away. Looks like the Jounin weren't 'far away' now does it?

"Team Four, Stone Lee, Keiko Ryu-" a loud thump was heard in the classroom, everyone choosing to ignore it bar Yomei. Because let's be honest, Yomei is a nosy fvck. The girl that he bumped into last night- Keiko- had a large red swelling on her forehead and a dent on her table. He put the pieces together and slowly nodded. It was no suprise that the Hokage wanted to put Stone Lee with Keiko- she was one of the best Kunoichi-in-training at the academy.

"-and Yomei," he finished off, announcing the other teams as procedure followed. Yomei bit his lip to hide a smile, glancing slyly over at Keiko who was staring at him in all his glory. At the moment of being caught her face morphed into a crimson red and whipped over to the other direction with a loud 'humph'. Yomei shook his head in deisblief. The world sure was small.

Blah blah blah- is all Yomei heard during the duration of the class, and after everyone was dismissed for lunch (as they were meeting with their sensei's after they got fed like the little children they are) Yomei made a break for the famous 'bench de sakura'. Also known as the bench Naruto nearly shits himself at in the near future. Yomei sighed with a blissful smile on his face. Finally, some happy thoughts.

As soon as he sat down on the bench he pondered about the 'transferring game data' thing. It was unusual for the game to do something like that so randomly- like a spot check to see if you wrote all your homework down in primary school. Ah, he remembers those days of puberty.

For starters, why the hell does Shikamaru hate him? The only time he ever met him was when he was going around the village helping Naruto set up pranks on- Oh. He knows why  Shikamaru hates him now.

Let be real though, that frying pan really does hate him. The amount of burns he got from it can attest for that. Yomei glanced over to an oncoming figure dashing towards him with a light green top and brown khaki shorts, his ebony hair being pulled to the back of his head in a tight tail and big almond eyes that stared straight into Yomei's own.

Yomei stared blankly at the approaching figure, the figure staring back blankly until he came to a stop in front of him. "My name's Stone Lee Yomei-kun! I'm your new teammate!" He chattered out excitedly, bouncing up and down on his heels happily. "I hope we get along!" He bowed.

Yomei quickly got up from his seat and sent him a closed eyed smile, a small sweat bead running down the side of his head "yes, yes Stone-kun, we'll get along just fine." He gestured with his hands in a calming down motion, making sure not to smack him in the head while doing so. You never know what might happen in this peculiar world- he one got swatted like a fly by a Nara girl once, never saw it coming(but then and again it was his fault for flirting and then rejecting her).

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