The Next Day

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Naruto rolled on his bed, letting out a small groan. He opened his eyes a little, as his face felt warm because of the sunshine. Still feeling sleepy, he reached for his blanket and covered his head, and went back to sleep. Well, until someone pulled that precious blanket.

"Get up, Naruto. It's morning" the boy with a pair of blue eyes said. His hair looked like a golden color as it was rained by the morning light. Naruto groaned again, still not letting go of the blanket. The other boy also didn't let go of it, and they just tried to pull the blanket from one another.

Suddenly, the door in the corner of the room opened, revealing another boy with snowy white hair and crimson red eyes, with a towel around his neck that reached to his shoulders, and a simple outfit. That boy closed the door behind him and walked to the others.

"Minato, it's your turn to take a bath" the boy, Tobirama, said.

"I will take a bath until I manage to wake Naruto up" Minato answered, still trying to let the blanket go of Naruto's hands. Tobirama stared at them for a while, he sighed, and changed his clothes. He wore his usual battle armor that he used yo wear when he was a kid, which consisted of a green Senju battle armor over a black mid-sleeved cloth, a silver head protector with Senju symbol, and a sword on his left waist. That was the outfit that he wore since the first time they arrived here, yes. Ashura had said that he would prepare some new clothes for the hokages, but he needed more time.

He looked at the mirror, and felt satisfied with his appearance. And of course, nostalgic.

Tobirama started to hear several conversations from Minato and still-sleeping Naruto, about getting up early or something. He exhaled, and patted Minato's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Minato. Leave Naruto to me. You just take a bath, and when you go out, you will see Naruto with both of his eyes open wide" he said to the Fourth Hokage. Minato trusted him, and nodded. He took his towel out of nowhere, and went to bath.

Tobirama made sure Minato has left the bedroom. Then, he made some hand-seals. Slowly, some droplets of water appeared and made some water balls. Tobirama mixed all the water balls, causing it to be a much bigger water ball. He let it fell on Naruto's face. Naruto yelped, and quickly jumped out of the bed.

"What was that for, Nidaime?" he asked, rubbing his face.

"Nothing" Tobirama answered with a playful smirk. "You are just like my brother, that's all" he continued. Naruto gave a 'huh?' face as Tobirama dried the floor by gathering the water he just thrown, and threw it again to the outside.

"Now get ready. After your beloved dad is finished taking a bath, you're next" he said to Naruto as he gave him a towel.

"Thanks, Nidaime" Naruto gave a grin. And true enough, Minato went out of the bathroom and saw Naruto with his eyes fully opened .

*Another room*

Tsunade sighed full of relief as she stepped out of the bathroom. She enjoyed her time so far. She slept with some peaceful crickets' and frogs' sound, and she had a really nice shower time.

Then, she wore her clothes, consisted of short green kimono with a pink line around its neck and short sleeve. Beneath it was a usual shinobi's cloth. She also wore a dark blue sash, and a dark pink cloth (handbands) on each of her wrists. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail.

She looked at herself in the mirror, and smiled widely. Then, she prepared to go outside

*The other room*

"Hashirama-sama, Sandaime-sama, wake up!" the silver haired boy tried to wake the other two beside him. It had been around 20 minutes since then, and he gave up. He thought of different ways, but he found nothing without force.

He sighed, and decided to just take a bath first, at the same time waiting for the others to get up by themselves. He took his towel which given by Ashura yesterday, and went to the bathroom.

After some short minutes, he finished, and the first thing he did was put on his mask, and wore his outfit. A black T-shirt with white stripes in the middle of the sleeves. On his arms he wore black sleeves with metal arm protectors over them. He also had leather straps around his back and chest, and his family's Hakko Chakura Tou (*White Light Chakra Sabre) was kept in a small holder in the middle of his back. And of course a head protector with Konoha's symbol on it.

He somehow felt sad because of his appearance. Not about the actual appearance, but because of the memories he had when he wore that outfit. So many sad and dark memories he experienced while wearing those clothes in his childhood time. From the time he thought Obito-his teammate-died because of protecting him, and also when he unintentionally killed Rin, the other one of his teammates. Before he realized it, he had already imagined the time he found his father dead, and the time he had given the information about his Sensei's, Minato's, death.

He would let tears came out of his eyes, if a certain person didn't poke him on the back.

"What's wrong, Kakashi?" the boy with dark brown hair asked with a worry tone. Kakashi turned his head to see Hiruzen with a sleepy expression.

"No. I just remembered something bad and unnecessary" Kakashi responded, trying to erase the picture from his head.

"Something... about your previous team?" Hiruzen guessed. He was really sharp about the others. kakashi flinched a bit, but manage to put on a smile "Yeah. But don't worry. Everything turned out very well in the end" he said, more to himself. But that wasn't a lie. Everything DID turn out well in the Fourth Shinobi Great War.

Noticing an honest respond from Kakashi, Hiruzen just nodded, and went to take a bath. "Be patient on waking Hashirama-sama up. He is a hard one" he warned before closing the bathroom's door from the inside. Kakashi had that bored expression of his, and looked at the First Hokage. He sighed, and walked closer to the black-haired boy.

"Hashirama-sama. It's morning already. Don't you think you should wake up by now?" Kakashi said with a sigh. Then, closed his eyes, and opened it again with a strange expression. "Sorry, Shodai-Sama. But I have to do this" he murmured, and started to tickle Hashirama. And immediately the said boy jumped and screamed.

"What are you doing?" Hashirama asked with tears in his eyes.

"Umm... waking you up?" Kakashi half-asked. Hashirama just kept silent with a slight tremble. From that, Kakashi knew Hashirama didn't like to be tickled, or to put it simply, he is ticklish. If only the other great nations knew that sooner, they might have won the First Shinobi Great War like a piece of cake.

I just realized that all the way from chapter 4 until 12 is still the first day 0_0 well, I will just let that pass

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