Chapter 29

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A/N: I had to do it. The song is "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd.  Enjoy 😘😘😘

Two months later...

Lynn's POV

    I opened my eyes and reached for Jensen, but he was already up and in the shower. After we had returned from our honeymoon and settled into the new home, Cornelius had come out and offered Jensen and Mike a position in the family. He offered them the chance to run a chapter of the family in New York and in Chicago. So now Jensen was the head of the chapter here in New York and right now I wasn't liking it. He was always busy and I seemed to wake up alone most of the time. I tried to sit up in bed but it was very difficult since I was now the size of a house. Our baby boy was do anytime and Delphina and Nicole had arrived yesterday to help me out. I was starting to get nervous about delivering the baby.

    I tied again to sit up but failed, I didn't want to holler for help. I must have looked funny because as I tried to roll myself out of bed I heard a laugh behind me. "Babe, What are you doing?" Jensen's voice was amused as he approached me.

 "I was just trying to get out of bed but I am too big to do anything." I could feel the tears starting to sting my eyes. Damn hormones, this shouldn't be so upsetting. Jensen took me in his arms and helped me up then he just held me while I cried in his chest.

 "Shh shh love soon our baby will be here and everything will be better." He always knew how to calm me down but I was also feeling alone. 

"Jensen I want you home with me until after the baby comes. I feel alone. I know that you have been busy getting the chapter going, but I need you." He smiled at me.

 "I know love. I have a major thing to do tonight and then I will be home with you. Jacob is going to take charge for a little bit while we welcome our baby home."

This made me smile and feel better immediately. "Okay, just be careful." He laughed and hugged me again. 

"I always am. Besides, you won't be able to worry too much today. Your baby shower is today, remember." I had completely forgotten about the shower. Delphina and Nicole had insisted on having one even though I had everything you could think of for the baby. They said I would regret not having one so of course, I gave in.

 "I forgot honestly, but that doesn't mean I won't worry about you." He bent down and placed his lips on my forehead.

 "I know you will, but I promise you that I am fine. I will have Jacob with me and Dillion will be here with you girls." I nodded and was about to kiss him when there was a knock at the bedroom door. 

"Who is it?" Jensen moaned in frustration. The door opened and Delphina stood in the door with her hand over her eyes.

 "Are you decent?" I laughed out loud and so did Jensen at the sight of her. 

"Yes, Delphina. You can look."

She removed her hand from her eyes and smiled. "Good. Now Lynn the guest will be arriving in a few hours are you hungry?" I smiled at her, she had become more like a mother to me than I could have ever imagined and I loved it. I nodded at her and she smiled back. "Okay, I will make you breakfast while you get dressed. There is a present in the closet for you from Nicole and I. Jensen, Jacob is waiting for you downstairs." Jensen nodded and then she left the room closing the door behind her. Jensen gave me one last kiss. 

"I will be home before dinner. I love you." I kissed him back and he rubbed my belly, making me laugh then left the room. I walked to the closet and saw a beautiful dress for me hanging by the door. It was a simple blue dress with a brown belt around the front and there was also a pair of gold sandals to go with it. I loved it.

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