Chapter 2

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A/N: The music is "Bodies" by Drowning Pool. Enjoy 😊

     Jacob and I arrived at the warehouse where everyone was already gearing up. I got out of the car and approached the men. "What's the damage?" I looked over at Dillion. He looked up at me and flashed a grin. 

"Not too much. They destroyed one of our surveillance vans but nothing we can't replace. They were amateurs." I nodded and headed into the warehouse and to my office. I always kept a change of clothes for such accessions. Once I was changed I grabbed my weapons and headed back out to my crew. The men were all gathered around Jacob who was already explaining our attack plan.

"Alright men, let's finish this tonight. Everyone watch your backs." I heard Jacob saying as I walked up. I looked up at all the men, as they started to head to the cars I yelled out. 

"Mendoza is mine. No one touches him. Do I make myself clear?" They all nodded, they knew not to cross me. They all had seen me in action and knew that I took no prisoners and would not hesitate to kill anyone who double-crossed me. We all loaded into the SUVs and headed to the compound that Dillion said was where the Mendoza's were held up at.

 We all loaded into the SUVs and headed to the compound that Dillion said was where the Mendoza's were held up at

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The building was dark and looked abandoned. "Are you sure this is the place, Dillion?" I hissed into my mouthpiece. Before he could respond I saw a few men walk out the front door and started patrolling the area. They were definitely Mendoza's men. "Let's move." I drew my weapon and slowly moved towards the building with Jacob and three other men by my side. I heard the first gunshot on the other side of the building and watched as the two men in front of us ran in that direction. POP! POP! Two more shots as we closed in on the front door. 

"Clear on this side. Heading in now." Came across my earpiece and I nodded at Jacob as we threw open the front door and started firing.

I saw my men spread out and started taken every man down that they came across. I felt bullets fly past me as I fired at everything that wasn't my men. I approached the staircase to the second floor when I was grabbed from behind. The man threw me to the ground but made the mistake of letting me get back up. He stood there and motioned for me to come at him. 'Big mistake' I thought to myself as we slowly started to circle like to animals about to pounce. I kept my eye on him and studied his movements. He was favoring his left leg and I saw blood trickling down his pants. I smiled at him, I knew how to take him down, I winked and that sent him into a rage. He came at me in a full charge, rage in his eyes. I ducked his first punch and kicked him in the left leg, he instantly hit the floor. I picked my gun up and fired one shot into his head then headed up to the second floor.

 I picked my gun up and fired one shot into his head then headed up to the second floor

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