Chapter 26

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A/N: The song above is "Its not my time" by 3 Doors Down. Enjoy!!❤️❤️

Jensen's POV
Dream sequence (while in a coma)

  When I opened my eyes the pain was gone but I was alone in a dark room. "Lynn," I called out into the darkness, but there was no answer. My mind started to race frantically as I thought the worse. I must have failed again I thought to myself. I placed my head in my hands and sat there crying. I haven't cried like this since I lost my Catherine. I felt a hand on my shoulder but I didn't feel threatened, I felt comfort. When I looked up I saw the beautiful face of Catherine. She held her hand out to me and I took it as I stood up. "Catherine where are we? Why are you here? Wait, am I dead?" I asked in a panic as I started to remember everything that had happened. Catherine looked into my eyes and placed her hand on my cheek. 

"You're not dead my love, but you are very badly injured. I am here just to keep you calm and to guide you back."

    I felt an overwhelming sense of calmness as she wrapped her arms around me. "Now come on I have something to show you." She took my hand again and started to walk with me. The room changed to a brighter room, it was a nursery. She walked over to the crib in the room and bent down. When she came back up and turned around she held a pink blanket with the prettiest baby girl in it I have ever seen. Catherine handed her to me with a big smile. "Jensen this is your daughter." I looked down at this small precious little thing in my hand and had to smile. When I looked back up at Catherine she had changed. It was no longer Catherine standing there with me, it was now Lynn. She turned to me with a smile and a very big belly. I stared at her in shock. 

"But, How is this possible? You haven't said anything to me about being pregnant."

Then out of nowhere someone took her out of my sight. I tried to run to her but I immediately hit the ground and couldn't feel my legs anymore. "Lynn, no," I screamed out. Catherine reappeared in front of me. "Catherine I am done. I am tired of losing everything and everyone I care about. Please just take me with you." She touched my cheek and shook her head at me. 

"Jensen it's not your time. Lynn needs you now more than ever. You need to fight for her." I shook my head. 

"I don't want to fight anymore." Then I felt something next to me. It felt almost like someone hitting something near me. Then I heard her soft voice in my ear. 

"Damn it, Jensen, you promised me you would come back to me. Please baby, please I need you, we need you." She needs me, I have to fight.

    I tried to stand up, but my legs wouldn't move. Catherine watched and then she started to encourage me. "Get up Jensen, you can do it. Go back to Lynn." I felt my muscles starting to move as I slowly pulled myself up. I finally stood up and looked at Catherine, who was now holding our baby again.

 "Thank you, Catherine. I will always remember you." She smiled at me. 

"You know Aubrey is a beautiful name for a girl." As she said this I felt something tugging at me, pulling me to the soft crying I now heard. 

"I love you Catherine," I said just as the room became lighter.

End dream sequence

    When I opened my eyes I immediately heard her soft cries next to me. It took me a second to realize that I was in a hospital bed. Then I looked at her, her face was in her hands and she was crying uncontrollably. Dillion was standing beside her watching over her. He noticed that I was awake, but I motioned for him to be quite. I reached out to her and touched her head. "Hey beautiful, why are you crying?" She quickly jerked her head up and looked into my eyes. Then she jumped up and ran to my side. As she bent down to hug me I felt a little pain and I flinched. She pulled away from me and I saw the tears still falling. "It's ok babe. I'm here now. I promised I would make it back to you." She carefully bent down and hugged me again. I wrapped my arm around her and just held her for a minute. Her smell was intoxicating to me and I knew that I was addicted to her.

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