Chapter 11

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Lynn's POV

My eyes fluttered open to someone sitting in a chair next to me. It was still early and dark in my room, but once my eyes adjusted I realized who it was. Jensen was fast asleep next to me. What the fuck is he doing here? I didn't want anything to do with him right now. I was still upset about what I saw last night and he had no right to just come in my room whenever he wanted. I sat up and threw my pillow at him. "Jensen, get the fuck out of my room. I don't want to talk to you." He jumped when the pillow hit him.

 "What the hell Lynn?" He said.

 "Don't what the hell me. Get out!" His eyes looked hurt, but he stood up and left the room. He stopped in the doorway and looked back at me.

 "I am sorry Lynn for last night. I will have your door fixed today." Before I could say anything else he walked away.

   He wasn't going to get off that easy. I knew that I really didn't have a right to be mad at him, but I was hurt. What was wrong with me? I sat in my bed thinking about everything that had happened. Jensen was a very confusing man. He kept pushing me away, but yet there he was sleeping in my room next to me. He had to know that I would be pissed when I saw him. Fuck it, I need to put him out of my mind. I decided to go take a hot shower and wash away last night, then go and make breakfast. I had to have stood in the shower for thirty minutes or so before the water started to get cold so I got out. I threw on my black sweats with a pink tank top and pulled my hair back in a messy bun. I wasn't trying to impress anyone today, nor did I care at that particular moment.

I walked down to the kitchen and had to keep myself from barfing as I looked at the counter that he was fucking his whore on last night. I grabbed a spray bottle from under the sink labeled bleach water and went to town cleaning every surface in the kitchen. It was the only way I was going to ever eat anything out of that kitchen again. As I was cleaning the last counter I heard a small laugh from behind me. I turned to see his glorious half-naked body standing in the doorway leading to the basement. He was all sweaty and his muscles were glistening in the sunlight coming in from the porch. My knees were already turning to jello just looking at him. Damn my body for betraying me like this. "Does that make you feel better, now that the whole kitchen is spotless." He flashed a half-cocked smile at me and my heart started to race, but I tried to keep my composure because I wanted to be mad at him.

 "Yes, actually it does. Now I know that I won't catch aids from your whore." I smiled at myself as I turned away from him and started to make breakfast.

I knew he was still standing there watching me, but I ignored him. I finished making breakfast and started to plate up the food. This will really get to him, I thought to myself. "Dillion, Jacob, breakfast is ready," I yelled out. I heard the hurried footsteps of the two men as they came into the kitchen. I handed each of them their plates as Jensen watched still in the doorway. After Dillion and Jacob had their food they took off to their guard spots for the day, leaving me alone with him again. I collected my plate of food and glass of milk and headed towards the door. When I got close to him he grabbed my arm, but not hard, just enough to make me stop. "Is this how it is going to be Lynn? You giving me the silent treatment and feeding my men, but not me. What do you want me to do Lynn? I said I was sorry." I said nothing to him. I just pulled my arm from his hold and walked out of the kitchen and up to my room.

I could feel someone behind me as I climbed the stairs, but I didn't dare turn around. I walked straight to my room and closed the door behind me, well I closed it but it didn't close since it was still broken. As soon as I put my plate down on the nightstand I felt him wrap his arms around me and turn me around. I tried to pull away from him, but he wouldn't let me go. "Lynn please, I said I was sorry. Can't we start over?" I looked at him and my body once again betrayed me.

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