"Between one and ten Riley, the numbers" Luca said, exasperated, when I stayed silent. I raised a brow at him. Numbers...

"Don't worry about it then...." he said then wrote on the clipboard again. He turned to Luca and I looked away, my neck feeling achy.

"Is this his normal behaviour?" he asked them.

"No, he's acting rather...." someone replied. Chance, now I remember, Chance replied.

"Pissed?" Luca commented and I frowned as I looked at the wall. Definitely pissed.

"Do you know if he's had a head injury before?" he asked them.

"No, we haven't known him that long" Luca replied and sighed.

The doctor then sighed and I heard him step nearer to me. "Riley, have you had a head injury before?" he asked me and I smirked as I looked at him.

"Plenty" I replied.

"I see.....Um, Riley? Do you know why you have a head injury now?" he asked me and my face fell.

"No" I said, a pang of fear struck my chest and Luca and Chance both frowned deeply.

"Well, he's definitely got concussion, a bad case of it i'd say, as long as he hasn't had concussion recently it shouldn't be dangerous, are you sure he hasn't had a bang to the head recently?" he asked them and they nodded ,unsure.

I started chuckling and smiled at them. "Wrong" I said, finding it hilarious for some reason.

They all turned to me wide eyes and looked at me quizzically. "Pardon?" the doctor asked.

"I think I recall being slammed into the side of a cabinet by a rather large canine the other day, i'm not one to complain but the headache lasted forever" I said while smiling and they all held a stressed expression on their faces.

"Chester did tell me about that, I can't believe I forgot" Luca groaned and the doctor sighed as he wrote on the clipboard.

I tried to move around and lift my head up again, but the doctor stopped me. "Riley, I advise you don't move" he told me and I glared at him.

Pissed, I moved my legs and winced in pain, why did that hurt my head?

"Riley" he warned but sighed and walked a little bit away. The two others followed and I huffed while closing my eyes.

"I need to send him for a CT scan, but I don't think he would stay still enough, I need a parent or guardians permission to put him under anesthesia" he told them in a hushed voice.

Huh? I don't think I am supposed to be hearing this...

"I can get a parents, hopefully, with a very expensive phonecall that is" Chance said then I heard him walk off.

This wouldn't be able to happen if it was just a month later than this, damn my age.

I glared at the ceiling then jumped as I was suddenly picked up by someone. I looked back to see I had been lying on a random metal table attached to the side of the hospital hallway.

"Come on Riley, we need to get you into some hospital clothes" Luca explained as he followed the doctor along a hall. You what?

"No way" I snapped and tried to move about.

"Riley!" Luca complained as he tried to hold me in place.

No way, just , no way!

Rather die! I thought as I managed to fall out of Lucas arms. My legs didn't even hold any resistance and just buckled underneath me as I landed on the cold floor.

"Ow" I complained as everything went blurry and a ringing noise filled my ears.

Okay, maybe not rather die.

"Riley!" Luca huffed and caught hold of my arm.

"Get off" I snapped and my world started to spin.

I tried to get up but just fell a few feet further away. Okay, whatever i did must of been horrific,I thought as I saw drops of red on the floor below my head.

"Riley? What happened? " I heard Chance ask and Luca huffed.

"Have you got that permission yet?" the doctor asked urgently from next to me, somewhere...

"No, I can't get a hold of them, but mine will do in emergencies, trust me, I know" Chance answered as I lay flat on the floor, the coldness of it giving my head a short relief.

"It better be" I heard then a sharp pain made me cry out as something was jabbed into my skin.

"bastard" I huffed as I began to feel even more drowsy than I already was.

"Shh Riley" Luca said as he stroked my hair, and I was about to say don't treat me like a baby but blackness came too soon.

And there, ladies and gentlemen, is an example of the worst case of concussion. Ears bleeding, loss of consciousness, confusion , unable to walk, amnesia , changeable mood

No , Riley isn't a rude angry person, irritability is also a symptom of concussion XD hence the uneeded name calling

And concussion just after or during another is more than sometimes fatal guys, remember that. That's why some fighters grow up to have brain problems.

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