Chapter 11: Sapphire dragon academy part 9-Free for all brawl

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In the training room, lincoln, lynn, ronnie anne, francisco, polly pain, clyde, haiku, tabby, liam, ava and maggie were engaging each other in a free for all sparring match.

Lincoln: you're mine maggie!

Lincoln charges at the emo teen but maggie was ready. As lincoln was on the attack, maggie was dodging ever single hit until she low sweeps and sends him flying with a spinning heel kick.

Lynn and francisco then attacked her with tiger style strikes as maggie was on the defensive. Lincoln joins in as it was three-on-one but maggie's defense was very strong as she sends them back, attacking them with swift kicks while her arms were crossed over her chest.

Lynn: (smirks) fighting without using your hands, not bad.

Lincoln: and your defense is crazy.

Francisco: and her kick strikes are very fierce too, better watch out.

Maggie: what are you standing around for? I'll attack you if you won't attack me....

The three fighters got into fighting stance.

Lynn: we're just getting started!

Lynn, Lincoln and Francisco charged at maggie.

We cut to a fight between ava jones and polly pain.

Polly was running circles around ava as she was blocking polly's rapid attacks from all sides.

Polly pain: (attacking ava; smirks) c'mon ava, show me the black panther spirit! You can't win if all you'll do is block my attacks!

Ava, who was still blocking polly's rapid attacks, smirks as she released her black and blue aura, creating a spiritual image of a black panther which let out a loud distorted roar.

Ava then sensed polly coming and immediately delivers a powerful elbow to polly's chest, stopping her attack as the cheetah style martial artist fell to her knees and holding her chest, coughing in pain.

Ava: (smirks) had enough?

Polly pain breathes heavily as she grinned, unleashing her golden yellow aura, creating a spiritual image of the cheetah which let out a loud distorted roar.

Polly pain: (smirks) no way! This is too much fun, come at me more with those attacks!

Ava: if you insist!!!

The two clashed!

We cut to another fight between liam and tabby. Liam is overpowering tabby with his ox style martial arts.

Liam: c'mon tabs, ya gotta show me what you can do!

Tabby got up to her feet as she glares at liam while lunging at him, delivering an assortment of strikes to him but liam knocks her down with a one strong punch, sending her flying.


Tabby's eyes widened as she lands on her feet, looking down at the floor while clenching her fists as tabby lifts her head up to let out a loud battle cry.


Tabby unleashes her light purple aura, creating a spiritual image of a white wolf which let out a loud distorted howl!

Tabby vanished and the next thing liam knew, he was being manhandled by tabby's heavy barrage of attacks, finishing it with a front flip kick aside liam's head, knocking him into the ground.

Tabby: (smirks) ya can knock me down but I'm keep on comin' back to defeat ya!

Liam got to his feet, dark green aura surrounding his body and creating a spiritual image of an ox.

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