Chapter 3: Sapphire dragon academy part 1-The path

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It was a few days since the death of emperor lynn Sr, empress rita and the sisters lori, luna, luan and lucy. The royal guards prepared a funeral for the fallen louds (even though the bodies of lori, luna, luan and lucy were never found). After the funeral, lincoln and lynn left the royal valley to head north-east to see their pop-pop, the only family they had left. The guards informed lincoln and lynn that he had his own martial arts school called the Sapphire dragon, gave lincoln and lynn some supplies and wish them good luck on their journey. Though the road ahead of them was far and rough, the two loud siblings stood their ground. They're still torn up about the death of their family, it was a horrifying sight to behold and at the funeral lincoln and lynn vowed to their deceased parents and sisters that they will stop at nothing to find the ninja clan that murdered them and make them suffer before they die. That was a personal promise they will never forget.

Halfway through the path, lincoln and lynn stopped and set up camp for the afternoon. Lynn and lincoln then started to spar with each other to help lincoln get better control over his dragon spirit. After a couple of failed attempts, lincoln managed to summon the dragon spirit at will but the spiritual power does take a toll on his body.

As night approaches, lincoln sets up the sleeping bags while lynn handles the firewood.


With one powerful kick, the tree went down with a loud thud. Lynn then focused her red aura into her hands.

Lynn: tiger claw attack!

Lynn slashs the tree, rendering it into perfectly cut pieces of logs. Lynn took a couple of logs to put them in the center of the campsite. Lincoln already finished putting the sleeping bags up as lynn brought two thin twigs together on the pile of logs and rubs them together, making the fire.

Lynn sat near the campfire next to lincoln, who was staring at the fire.

Lynn: hey feeling okay?

Lincoln said nothing but nods.

Lynn: don't worry, we'll find the ninja clan that murdered our family and make them pay okay?

Lincoln: (sad) I know.

Lynn: you know that we'll reach our full potential. We just gotta reach our pop-pop at the martial arts academy the guards mentioned. He'll help us.

Lincoln: I know.

Lynn: listen lincoln. You're not alone in this, you have me to keep eye out for you and to protect you. I understand you're angry and sad about their deaths but our family wouldn't want to live in endless depression. They would want us to live on and fight for them.

Lincoln: (slightly smiles) yeah you're right lynn. Once we find pop-pop, he'll help us train and get strong enough to avenge our family.

Lynn: that's the spirit. Speaking of spirits, I can't believe you have one of the most powerful animal spirits of legend.

Lincoln: I can't believe it either.

Lynn: yeah. Dad once told us about the secrets of animal spirits, especially the top seven most rare and powerful spirits, the tiger, which I possess, the wolf, which luna had, the lion, which lori had, the serpent, which luan had, the griffin, the phoenix and finally the dragon. Dad once told me that people with dragon spirits take years to master through martial arts and spiritual training.

Lincoln: then I have a lot of work to do.

Lynn: don't worry I'll help you with your training to control your spiritual powers.

Lincoln: thank you.

The two loud siblings then decided to turn in for the night.

Narrator: later in the morning.

After packing up their things, lynn and lincoln continued down the path. Day after day, week after week, the two loud siblings went through dark forests, valleys, caves, grassy fields, and mountains. They finally reached their destination, the sapphire dragon martial arts academy. The temple building was wide and designs of the temple was very beautiful with the color of sapphire blue. They even saw the sapphire dragon emblem.

Lynn: (breathes heavily) it was a long path to walk here but we made it. We finally made it to the sapphire dragon martial arts academy.

Lincoln: (breathes heavily) I never wanna walk through that again.

Lynn: well...walking through a long and a dangerous path was worth it because we finally made it to the academy. Let's go.

Lincoln: right.

Lincoln and lynn head up to the temple door and knocked three times on the door. They're eyes widened in surprise and happiness to see who was the temple door.

To be continued...

(Chapter 3 in finished! Lynn and lincoln have finally reached the sapphire dragon martial arts academy. Who was at the temple door? Find out next chapter.)

(Note: I got a comment about a scene in chapter 2, I looked over it and I wanna apologize for writing something that sounded sexual but it's not what you think. When I wrote that, it talked about lynn seeing a powerful ancient animal spirit of legend by lincoln after he experienced the pain of loss, not the sexual thing you thought was going on and here's the picture I drew to prove that I was talking about the animal spirit of lincoln being unleashed.)

(There you have it

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(There you have it. There's nothing sexual going on in this story and this is a no sibling x sibling story. And again I apologize for the scene I wrote in chapter 2 that sounded sexual and nothing like that is happening between lincoln and lynn because as I said, this is a no sibling x sibling story!!!)

(Until we meet again everyone this is omegacrow fading to black...)

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