Chapter 7: Sapphire dragon academy part 5-Punishment

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Clyde: he's coming to the cafeteria...

Lincoln: who?

Clyde: m-master grouse...

A figure came in the cafeteria, he was an bald old man with a wavy white mustache. He wore a sapphire blue martial arts robe and carried a kane.

Master grouse: alright now who's responsible for this mess? I want an explanation!

One student spoke.

Student: hawk and hank were bullying some of the fellow students. They also tried to take the lunches of francisco, clyde, tabby, liam, polly pain, ava, haiku, and the new kids lincoln and lynn loud of the loud palace but they wouldn't give their lunches up. So hawk and hank tried to pick a fight with francisco and lynn, with ronnie anne joining in as they went into an all out brawl. Hawk and hank started the fight but ronnie anne finished the fight.

Master grouse: (narrowed eyes) is that so? Lynn and lincoln of the loud palace, I know it's your first day and I know of your family's honorary history but you can't go fighting students picking on you, you have to tell me or master albert and we'll deal with them. I'm sorry but you have to be punished, you two, francisco, polly pain, tabby, liam, clyde, haiku, ava and ronnie anne have to clean up the entire mess you've made in the cafeteria.

The nine fighters groan and complain in annoyance.

Master grouse: SILENCE!

They immediately quiet down.

Heard groaning, master grouse turns his attention to the heavily beaten and bruised hawk and hank, who was slowly regaining consciousness. The old master quickly grips both the two bullies arms as he drags them out of the cafeteria.

Master grouse: (angry) as for you two, I told you so many times not to show disrespectful behavior to the sapphire dragon temple and it's students. Well as right now, you two can no longer be martial artists so you two are banished from the temple!

Hawk and hank: what?! You can't do that, we're your best fighters!

Master grouse: best? Ha! More like worse! You're weak minded and not use to fighting someone stronger than you two, always coming up with foolish excuses for your loses, not to mention you take your anger out on the students, NOW OFF MY PROPERTY!!

Master grouse then kicks hawk and hank out of the temple as the guards escorted them off the property.

To be continued...

(Chapter 7 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter. Well mister or should I say master grouse debuted in the story and banished hawk and hank from the sapphire dragon temple. Chapter 8 will be coming up sooner or later. This is omegacrow fading to black...)

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