Chapter 5: Sapphire dragon academy part 3-The arrival of ronnie anne

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In the mess hall, the students were having seasoned ramen, miso soup, BBQ boneless chicken with a side of seasoned vegetable rice. Lincoln and lynn were sitting at a table with clyde, haiku, tabby, liam, polly pain and francisco, chowing down on their food.

Lincoln: this ramen is really good.

Lynn: you said it linc. Pop-pop really make the best servings.

Clyde: I still can't believe that you two of the loud palace are the grandson and granddaughter of master albert.

Polly pain: yeah I heard you have wealth and a lot of strong capable fighters.

Tabby: oi! So what brings you two brings you here to the sapphire dragon martial arts academy? Are your parents on vacation?

Lincoln and lynn stopped eating as they looked down at their food in sadness.

Haiku: the pain inside is growing...let it all out or it will consume you both.

Clyde: haiku what are you talking about? Do you know why they're suddenly upset.

Before haiku could answer, lincoln spoke in a quiet but angry tone.

Lincoln: they're not on vacation, they're....dead.

Clyde, tabby, polly pain, liam, haiku and francisco gasped.

Lynn: (growls angrily) yeah...a dark clan of ninja burned down the loud palace in a stealth operation attack, killed our parents and four sisters... lincoln and I are the only louds left.

Clyde: (shocked) I can't believe it.

Tabby: oi! A bunch of bloody murderers, they are.

Liam: I'm sorry about your loss fellas.

Francisco: me too.

Polly pain: I can't believe your family was murdered like that!

Haiku: which clan was it.

Lincoln: I didn't see the emblem or crest but the ninja had black and scarlet red armor and pupiless, soulless red eyes.

Haiku then let out a loud gasp, shocking the seven fighters.

Clyde: (worried) what's wrong haiku.

Haiku turns to lincoln and lynn with a horrified look.

Lincoln: what is it?

Haiku: the clan that attacked and killed your family...was a group of deadly ninja and martial artists known as the scarlet dragon.

The eyes of lincoln, lynn, clyde, tabby, liam, polly pain and francisco widen in shock and horror.

Lincoln: the scarlet dragon clan?

Lynn: who are they?

Francisco: you seriously haven't heard of the scarlet dragon clan?!

Tabby: there's a group of heartless, merciless killers that will destroy everyone who's a threat to them or for their twisted goals!

Lincoln: (angry) why did they have to take our family, they didn't do anything wrong!

Haiku: actually...I've read in one of the sacred scrolls in my parents library that there was a war between your loud ancestors and the scarlet dragon clan. 200 years ago, it happened and your ancestors were victorious and the scarlet dragon clan was vanquished or so we thought... there could be descendants living in the shadows, seeking to kill your family for their ancestors that have fallen.

Lincoln: (angry) so you're telling me that my and lynn's family was killed because of something that happened 200 years ago between our ancestors and theirs?!

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