Chapter 23: Another break, more fights & more surprises

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Another 10 minute break was issued after the events of the Fight between the Jackal martial artist of Hazelturkey, Pablo and The Returning & now merciless and lethal Wolf martial artist, Luna. Lincoln, Lynn and the group were surprised to see Luna alive but was shocked by her sudden savage & bloodthirsty behavior during her match as she would overboardly brutalize Pablo to the point where he would forfeit the match but Luna wasn't satisfied as Michelle ordered Luna to break his spirit. Luna would howl & summon her monstrous Dark Wolf spirit to savagely maul Pablo, his cries of agony music to her ears until he passed out. Anderson and Taylor tried to get vengeance for their fallen team mate but they too became victims of luna's bloodthirsty rampage, once she was done with them, Luna's murderous intent vanished into a calm & soulless demeanor as Doug and Michelle ordered her to follow them. Lincoln and Lynn couldn't confront them aimlessly, they had to take a stealth approach to see what was going on with their big sister.


We see Lincoln & Lynn walking through the tournament palace main halls, the others were in the dining hall and having some lunch, the two louds decided to approach Doug and Michelle in a calm and casual manner but to not show suspicion or they'll suspect something is up.

They spotted a door with a sign of a wolf symbol & luna's name next to it. The two louds approach the door with Lincoln knocking on said door as he and Lynn wait for an answer, the door soon opens to reveal Doug, who had an annoyed expression on his face.

Doug: Look! I told that luna's not accepting autographs and- (sees Lincoln and Lynn at the door) Oh it's you two (smiles) Greetings! It's nice to meet members of the Legendary Loud Palace!

Lynn: (hiding her anger well) The pleasure's all ours.

Lincoln: Indeed. I was wondering if we could have a talk with you, Michelle and our thought to be dead sister, Luna. That is if you're busy?

Doug: Sure. C'mon in.

Doug leads Lincoln and Lynn inside the private room which looked luxurious at its finest, portraits of all of Doug and Michelle's martial artist clients before Luna's picture was seen on the wall. The two louds then see Michelle alongside Luna, who was gorging herself with tons of food like a wild animal.

Michille: That's good, eat up. You'll need tons of energy for the next fight.

Doug: Michelle, we have some visitors.

Michelle turns to see Doug with Lincoln and Lynn as the woman smiled.

Michelle: Ah, it's a pleasure to meet members of the Legendary Loud Palace. You already met my partner Doug. My name is Michelle, we're martial artist managers, we find a martial artist and take his or her fighting skills up to new heights as you can see from the portraits of all our famous clients.

Lincoln: A pleasure to meet you too and I take it that Luna here is your recent client?

Michelle: (smiles) Why yes. Doug and I found her washed up to shore and immediately found out she was one of the members of the Loud Palace. So we took her under our wing, gave her special training and treatment to turn her into the ultimate fighter you see!

Doug: Yep! She's our shining star. Why don't you say hello to her? It's been awhile since you guys last seen each other, right?

Lincoln: True.

Lincoln and Lynn walk towards Luna, who was still feasting. When the two louds got near, Luna swallowed her food whole & turns to the two loud warriors with a cold glare & an inhuman growl.

Michelle: (eyes glinted violet red) Luna... don't be like that, they're your little brother and sister. Say Hello.

Luna's ferocious gaze vanished.

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