Chapter 24- Dizzy

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Chapter 24

Disclaimer: I do NOT own My Hero Academia, or its characters. I DO however, own my OCs and my story.


Stony exterior... Right....?


Izaru grumbled, rolling over slightly as her mind pulled her away from some uneasy, unending black space that was so....... So tense, cold..... It made her feel so.... Uneasy.

.... No... Wait.... Maybe that was just her Quirk kicking back in as she woke up....

She sucked in a breath of air and held it, cursing silently when the whirling, incessant nauseous feeling came back right away.

... Damn.... It...... Why.......

Her expression twisted, letting out the breath she'd been holding in and feeling the sharp stab of pain ignite in her chest at it.

Damn it, that hadn't gone away either.

........ I don't..... Feel any..... Better.....

...... I hate... Sleeping...

She pressed her hand over her mouth, taking in few shallow breaths, trying to avoid and wait for the pain to die down again... And it did, but it never went away, and the sick feeling persisted. She paused, her eyes still closed, still rolled over on her side.... And she realized immediately she had no clue where she was....?

..... What...... Why...... Why can't I remember.....?

She tried to call on it, but it wouldn't come, not a thing. Not where she was, what had happened, what was going on.... She couldn't remember anything other than.....

...... I..... Was going...... To capture some.... Kid....?

There was pain there, agony littered across memory she couldn't bring to the forefront of her mind. Agony, pain and.... And guilt...?

Panic hit her like a bullet-train in the next instant, because even if she couldn't remember it- she knew that wasn't the last thing that happened. It couldn't be, right? There was something else, there had to be.... But how long had it been since that? Days? Weeks? Hours...?

How long since she had left to capture that kid? How long since she left him there at the mall, stepped in when Shiguraki...? Had.... Had she even gone to the next location? To the Training Camp, to meet up with the League and with Scarlet....?

She felt she had to have- she did, right? She went there, she... She must have....

... What... What happened......? Why does it feel... Blank...?

Her eyes snapped open only to be met by harsh, orange-red light that made her head hurt. The room she saw was too blurred to make out, and that made the panic worse, her fractured thoughts and mind trying desperately to make sense of time and place and self.... Trying desperately to bring back the memory of events she knew had to have happened after trying to catch Midoriya-

T... Things happened after..... That... Right....?

Why.... Why can't I..... Remember....?!

She blinked several times, trying to get rid herself of the haze and the blurriness in her vision, and it helped only a little. But she didn't wait for her vision to settle before trying to push herself up.

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