Chapter 14- Silence

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Chapter 14

Disclaimer: I do NOT own My Hero Academia, or its characters. I DO however, own my OCs and my story.


......... I can't......


She didn't even move, she just blinked, once, holding his glittering gaze in utter silence as he growled. He wasn't acting like he normally would, he usually kept his emotions in much better check than this- but right now?

All the spinning, twisting hurt and turmoil he'd kept locked up as tightly as he tried to keep his memories- was rising to the surface. Frothing and churning in a huge wave of things he hadn't ever wanted to touch, and things he ignored, but now it turned into a great big wave and was rushing over his head in all it's fervor.

It had to be impossible. There was absolutely no way- and yet even as he tried to tell himself that, he didn't believe it. He wanted to deny what he was seeing, and yet he absolutely could not.

The Villain named Seer had been an enigma and a mystery, her actions and her motives unfounded and unable to straighten out and understand. Of course it all bothered him, from the start- she had been working with Tomura Shuguraki, the League of Villains. She targeted Midoriya, fought against him- and then switched sides, without warning, or reason. She stepped in front of him and that wire that now had her hands wrapped up in bandages, she warned him out of the way of Scarlet's fingers, she stopped fighting- she saved Kouta in a matter of a few seconds, reacting far faster than he or anyone else should have ever been able to.

And when he Erased her Quirk? The way it affected her, made her look ready to pass out?


Aizawa hissed, his Quirk flaring again as his eyes locked on to her- Seer- holding on to Kouta. He didn't understand why she would have rushed in to save the boy, he didn't have time to wonder it either- she was still the enemy, and she had her hands on Kouta. Whatever Quirk she had, it had to go- and he needed her away from Kouta. Her hold around Kouta ceased, she let him stumble back on to the ground and on to his feet as Aizawa saw her eyes snap closed, her teeth gritting together as her hands moved to hold her head- like she was in pain the instant he Canceled her Quirk.

"Why did ya do that, Seer?!" The redhead asked quickly, picking herself up from having been thrown and her attention on trying to kill him getting sidetracked. Seer stumbled back a few steps, suddenly looking off balance, her hands still holding her head and shaking now- badly. It looked like all the color had suddenly drained from her face, and Aizawa's eyes narrowed.

.... Something's not right..

"Oi?! Seer?! What's wrong with ya?!" The redhead kept on, sounding more agitated now than neutral- she never got an answer.

"Get away from him!" Izuku snapped, his feet pushing him forward and landing right in front of Seer- his leg swinging up as her hands slowly left her head, those dull grey eyes landing on his as he moved to hit her- and so very dazed.

Izuku's knee collided with her stomach and sent her flying backwards, and she made absolutely no attempt to move nor dodge it either. That same woman who had been going toe to toe with Aizawa and never taken a hit had been thrown by a hit that she should have seen coming for miles.

Seer hit the ground, sliding back through the dirt and destruction- leaving her covered in mud as well as blood now. She rolled over, struggling to her feet and shaking so badly her knees looked ready to give out- her breathing ragged (and more so than with what would be warranted from getting hit..), her skin pale... She looked sick suddenly, incredibly, terribly sick and disoriented- blinking rapidly and a dozen times over as if she was trying to just focus. She hissed, shaking her head a bit- staggering sideways but staying in her feet- all will to fight was lost and Izuku, Kouta and Aizawa didn't know what to make of it.

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