Chapter 36- Why

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Chapter 36

Disclaimer: I do NOT own My Hero Academia, or its characters. I DO however, own my OCs and my story.


... I thought... I was used to it...


Kesu took the lead as they left the building behind, Aizawa and Izaru walking slowly in tandem with one another behind the cat as they made their way through the dark of the campus, the path underfoot lit only by lamps every several feet or so. Aizawa stayed quiet, his eyes half-lidded and watching Kesu ahead of them in tired silence- he hadn't much energy generally to keep up any sort of conversation, and less so just then... Not that Izaru minded. Silence between them had always been content enough, and Izaru figured he could probably use a few minutes of peace and quiet now after everything.

However once the Dorms finally started to come into sight ahead of them, Aizawa seemed to catch himself falling into a near mindless haze, and he shook himself out a bit, glancing Izaru's way slowly.

"Izaru." He rumbled quietly, his voice earning her attention quickly.


"Why were you out at Ground Beta in the first place?" He asked quietly, voicing something he meant to ask before now, but had gotten caught up in his agitation and forgot to. Izaru blinked, shaking her head slightly.

"I wasn't there specifically, I was just out walking and ended up there." She replied softly, her left hand moving up to the back of her neck for a moment as she seemed to wilt. "... And it just happened to be around the same Midoriya and Bakugou got there." She added quietly, small hints of agitation flaring anew in Aizawa's face for the mention of their names and Izaru swallowed at it. She figured mentioning them would irk him, and clearly it did, but his annoyance was gone and replaced with weariness fairly right away, thankfully.

Aizawa nodded slightly in understanding, Izaru letting out a quiet breath as her hand fell away from her neck once more while Aizawa looked ahead again- wait.

Aizawa's walking faltered slightly, bringing him to a sudden stop as his head turned back toward Izaru in an unexpected sort of double-take. Izaru stopped walking the instant he did, her eyes widening faintly in surprise and confusion, while Aizawa's narrowed... And Izaru realized very quickly he wasn't looking at her face.

Izaru's expression fell, sudden bits of unease making it's way across her face while her stomach churned, a heavy sigh escaping her as she shook her head quickly.

"Ah, Nemuri must have picked this shirt out when we went shopping, I had no idea what it was-" She started quietly, but Aizawa shook his head stiffly,

"I don't care about the shirt." He cut her off quickly, and he didn't. He had already noticed what was clearly All Might merch fairly quickly after sending the students back to bed, and while it sort of surprised him, he didn't linger on it too long, given he didn't care to waste time judging what other people chose to wear. They were just clothes.

Izaru faltered when he cut her off though, and a tad abruptly at that. She blinked, looking all the more unsure now as his lips pulled into a tight line and he suddenly looked tense- but... Why...?

If it's not about the shirt, then-?

He grimaced faintly, his hand lifting as he gestured toward her left arm, "What the hell happened to your hand?" He grumbled lowly, and Izaru paused at the question. Her eyes fell slowly from him,

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