Chapter 15- Toshinori

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Chapter 15

Disclaimer: I do NOT own My Hero Academia, or its characters. I DO however, own my OCs and my story.


The man before the symbol


He grumbled to himself as he dodged his way in and out of the throngs of people, hyper-conscious of the eyes that spotted him among the crowd. Curious murmurs and wide eyes that followed him everywhere he went nowadays- and was not at all used to it. He used to be able to move around the streets with the odd glance or words here and there, but most people tried their best to to pay him little mind... now everyone was staring, and not being subtle about it either.

Since the world had seen his true form he was more of an odd one out, and he was having a hard time getting used to the attention at all hours of the day.... he was probably going to miss not being able to slip away.

Toshinori sighed slightly, stiffening as his shoulder bumped into someone and earned a sharp stab of pain rushing through him.

Recovery Girl had done her best, and there was no doubt he was in the best shape he could be after what happened with All For One... but he was still hurt, and it would be awhile before he was back to... somewhat normal.

He ducked around a few more people as the Police Station entrance came into view a few steps ahead, ready to dodge inside but slowing for a small second as his eyes met the yellow gaze of a cat sitting to the side of the entrance. Their eyes locked for the few seconds as Toshinori continued his motion inside the door and they lost sight of one another. His attention turned on watching where he was going as he headed further in, on high alert for the familiar sight of Tsukauchi.

"Ah, All Might, over here." Said man called from somewhere to his left. Toshinori turned, spotting Tsukauchi standing beside Sansa with a bundle of files in hand. He started over toward him as Sansa nodded, passing a few soft words between them before Sansa moved away (probably to combat with some other section of the bustle inside the station).

"Hey, Tsukauchi." Toshinori murmured, "Sorry I'm late, I took a few side streets on the way here..." Tsukauchi shook his head a bit, smiling slightly.

"Not a problem. It's actually a little better since we had a few things to settle down and.... try to put in order." Tsukauchi hummed, smiling wearily as Toshinori blinked. "We've had an unexpected development with the woman that Eraser fought with at the Training Camp."

"Hmm? How so?" Toshinori murmured, Tsukauchi tilted his head to the left as he waved his hand in a gesture for the No. 1 to follow. They started across the floor and between the desks, heading toward the back of the station, "You said she had no fingerprints right? Did DNA kick back anything useful?" The (former) No. 1 asked,

"No, not at first, but that's another issue entirely." Tsukauchi hummed, Toshinori tilted his head. "Do you remember a woman named Aneko Izaru?"

Toshinori's steps faltered a little at the name, his eyes widening as his breath caught in his throat a moment, before he grimaced slightly, a bead of sweat falling down his face.


His free hand clenched into a fist at his side, his gut twisting as the sensation of warmth smearing against his hands suddenly hit him, the heaviness in his arms, the deadweight-

He shook himself off, discarding the memory as quickly as he could. ".... yeah, of course." He murmured lowly, "... why do you ask, Tsukauchi?"

The both of them drew up as Tsukauchi paused outside one of the observation room doors. "You hardly mentioned her, and I understand why.... How did you two meet one another?" Toshinori blinked,

Sixth Sense {My Hero Academia}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora