Chapter 38- Lines Crossing

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Chapter 38
Lines Crossing

Disclaimer: I do NOT own My Hero Academia, or its characters. I DO however, own my OCs and my story.


... I... I didn't... I can't... This...

... This wasn't supposed to happen...


"... Alright, everybody in your seats."

The class moved quickly, chairs shuffling over the floor as they placed themselves at their desks with practiced speed in near the instant Aizawa even began to slide the door to the classroom open. And all of them sat down even before he finished voicing the order... Well, almost all of them.

Izaru blinked once, the former 'Villain' trailing in behind Aizawa and casting the seated class a quiet look where her eyes instantly fell on the empty seat belonging to Bakugou.

She wasn't surprised with his absence, and really her attention probably shouldn't have even wandered there since the seat had remained empty the last three days- what with Bakugou and Midoriya both on house arrest and barred from even coming to classes. But all the same her attention found the empty space near right away, and hers wasn't the only one to go there either. Midoriya, who had also previously been missing and now was finally allowed back to class, he seemed to be trying to keep his eyes away from it at all costs.

It'd been four days since his little midnight excursion with Bakugou had come and gone, where all those things left unsaid between the two of them and about One For All had been lain out in the open. Four days where Midoriya had been stuck doing chores in the dorms with Bakugou still one day away from fulfilling his sentence, and it hadn't even taken a single day before the whole of the school had heard of what had gone on at Ground Beta (though mostly through gossip and chatter for those outside of Class 1-A). In four days the last Sunday before the new term and the day out (and night in) Izaru had spent with Hizashi had come and gone, the weekdays following being filled with the general hustle and bustle of a new school year and everyone adjusting into their new routines- Izaru included.

Even with already being at UA for near on two weeks prior, she couldn't really say she'd fallen into any sort of a routine. Each day had been different without the normal structure of classes and schedules, which did nothing to help ease how out of place she'd felt through all of it. And now even with some regular routine imprinting itself in her day to day, she still felt out of place... Though possibly it was getting a little less so as each day passed. Just a little.

Knowing the schedule for every day ahead of time, and having been involved in some of the lesson planning with Shota helped keep her from feeling too out of place. She didn't have to wonder where she was going next or what she might have to do, so she had some time to prepare herself for the next class or activity before stepping directly into doing it. And while some part of her felt she shouldn't have needed any time to prepare at all- since she'd never had to do so in order to keep herself from being so tense and uncomfortable around anyone back when she was in school- she didn't let herself brood too much about it.

Hell, she didn't really have time to brood about it even if she wanted to. Things had been nothing if not busy the last few days, and even for her and not having any set responsibilities yet, she'd been a bit too preoccupied to let her mind wander much. She generally shadowed Shota around as he bounced between classes and kept an eye on his students, but she had a few times lagged behind with some of the other teachers, spending time in their classes here and there learning more of those names she'd not managed to catch, gaining new ones from the First Years starting out, and pitching in a few times on answering questions when prompted for a bit of help from the students. Nothing big, and she never really stayed for very long or in someone's attention before stepping out of it again. But what little she did let herself try and interact with everyone else had been more than enough to keep her mind from running away from her.

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