Chapter 37- Settle

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Chapter 37

Disclaimer: I do NOT own My Hero Academia, or its characters. I DO however, own my OCs and my story.


Something is... different.


"Yo All Might, you're up~! You slept in real long, it's already passed noon! Can't blame ya though, you were up all night cleaning up Midoriya and Bakugou's mess, huh~?" Present Mic trilled, his voice a little bracing on All Might's ears as the blonde made it down the last few steps and into the Lounge of the Teacher's Dorm. The (former) No. 1 winced a little internally at the loudness, but otherwise smiled a bit wearily in return to the question, a hand rubbing at the back of his neck a touch nervous, and exasperated, all at once.

"Ah, I was..." The blonde murmured softly, the words earning a bit of a smirk from Mic and a shake of his head too,

"Those two are suuuper bad, I bet Shota was none too pleased with their lil midnight brawl~!" Mic hummed lightly, All Might wilted faintly at the mention of it,

"... no, not really..." All Might replied quietly, Mic snickered a bit at the answer.

"Heh, course not~" Mic chirped, "Man I do not wanna be in Midoriya and Bakugou's shoes when Sho wakes up and remembers it all over again~! Those two are goners, hehe~" The blonde chuckled, All Might wilting a little more for the thought of the Erasure Hero's ire still being at full throttle even all these hours later-

All Might faltered, the thought breaking off in surprise as his head tilted a bit at Mic, blinking once.

"Is he still asleep?" All Might asked slowly, Mic nodded.

"Yep~! I popped in this morning to talk to him and he was still conked out pretty hard~" Mic replied lightly, "I figure he was up pretty late after the whole Ground Beta thing still doing prep for the new term tomorrow, so he's got more than a few hours to catch up on." Mic hummed, his smile softening a tad. "Izaru too, looks like she pitched in on the lesson planning last night with Sho, and she's catching a few along with him~!"

All Might blinked in surprise at that, his head tilting more than a tad and looking unsure with what that meant...?

What does he mean when he says she's catching a few with him? Is he saying Izaru's still asleep too, or...?

All Might stiffened faintly, his heart skipping a ring beat and looking a little flustered for a moment, and even more unsure.

O-Or is he saying they're sleeping together?

That's probably not it, right-?

He didn't know which it was, and All Might had no chance to try and ask for clarification on the matter either. Both his and Mic's attention got pulled away by the sound of feet coming from the stairs behind them, both blonde's glancing around and blinking in surprise and near tandem with another when they saw who it was.

Speaking of-

"... Mm... Good morning Toshi... Hizashi..." Izaru's quiet voice reached them as she descended the stairs toward them slowly, Kesu following her down. Izaru's hands were tucked in the pockets of the sweats she was wearing- the same ones from the night before actually, along with the very noticeably All Might themed tank top too.

But unlike the night before her hair wasn't in the braided style Asui had done up, she'd seemingly gone ahead and undone all of it. So now her hair was left to stay loose, the long silvery-lavender locks falling around her shoulders and down her back in waves left over from the braids- meaning they were not really all that kempt, or brushed, or tidied at all. Which paired with the still clearly sleepwear, no shoes, and let down hair, it had Izaru looking rather drowsy as she and Kesu came down. In fact they both looked like they'd only just gotten up, which was probably true- but it was a little unusual to see Izaru looking so sleepy.

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