Chapter 13- I'm Sorry

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Chapter 13
I'm Sorry

Disclaimer: I do NOT own My Hero Academia, or its characters. I DO however, own my OCs and my story.


......... Death.......


"-The true form of our No. 1 Hero; All Might, has not only Japan, but even the Hero Headquarters in America in an uproar!! In an even more shocking uproar- the Symbol of Peace has announced his definitive retirement!"

"In addition, Best Jeanest- the No. 4 Hero who barely escaped death is taking a rest from his Hero Duties for an extended period of time!"

"On top of that, Ragdoll- the No. 32 Hero and a member of the Pussy Cats has undergone some unusual trauma that has rendered her Quirk unfit for use! Thus suspending her Hero Career indefinitely!"

"In a single night many heroes have suffered severe injuries and losses, this is truly a Nightmare! What will become of Japan and her Heroes?!"


There was a cat sitting outside the police station when he got there, just sitting- uncaring and unbothered by the scores of people constantly moving in and out of the doors. It was there, settled just beside the doorway, it's tail wrapped neatly around it's paws, black fur shinning in the sunlight and yellow eyes watching him in silence as he approached. He paused slightly, his hands in his pockets as his eyes matched with it- the both of them very still, very attentive, his head tilting at the unusually calm attitude- especially for a cat with so much going on all around.

It had a silver collar around it's neck, but not tags, nothing.... it just looked up at him as he looked back at it. He wasn't particularly sure why he stopped, but the way it kept it's eyes on him..... it was eerie, in a way.

Insane- but... he got the feeling that cat knew who he was.

The cat's ear twitched, their eye contact broken as it turned its head toward the door, ears on high alert, watching the line of people filter passed and out. He paused a few seconds longer, his brow quirking at the odd behavior- but thinking little more of it as he shook his head, and headed inside without a word.

"Eraser!! You're here too, huh..?!"

Aizawa grumbled under his breath, sweatdropping slightly at the (abrasive) familiar voice behind him, easily heard even with all the clamor, calls and phones ringing. The Police Station was crowded, and filled with people, officers and Heroes, everyone scrambling to do what they could about the mess and the devastating death and injured toll following All Might's confrontation with All For One.

The repercussions of everything that happened were severe too of course, the school and the staff were scrambling just as much as society- enough they had moved quickly into the 'Mandatory Dorm' proposal straight away..... Which admittedly, had been met with much less disapproval and fervor than he had expected when he met with the student's parents. (Some of them didn't even hesitate...)

Present Mic grinned, waving his hand at Aizawa as he stopped in front of him, peering from behind his tinted glasses. "You done talking to the Kid's parents~??"

"Yes." He mumbled,

"So why are ya here, huh~? Still giving reports ~?"

"Tsukauchi called to ask a few more questions about the Villain I captured, since he's heard Midoriya's side of the story." He mumbled, "Why are you here?"

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