Chapter 23- Alone

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Chapter 23

Disclaimer: I do NOT own My Hero Academia, or its characters. I DO however, own my OCs and my story.


...I... Messed up...



He jumped slightly at the sound of his name, his water bottle falling back from his lips and turning toward the source. The park was quiet and peaceful around him, dew still sticking to the grass and the sun only barely beginning to break the tops of the trees as morning slowly trickled in. The city was sleepy still too, and because of that and the lack of... Well, anyone in the park besides himself for the last hour or so, having someone suddenly say his name was a bit of a shock.

It was well before dawn, why would he expect anyone out here so early?

He turned around and found a young girl with silvery, lavender-hued hair standing behind him in a middle school uniform, her hair braided back and smiling as she waved a hand at him, and the other held on to a juice box. His surprised expression quickly faded into a smile once he realized who it was- a familiar face, as of meeting one another a few weeks ago, and hitting it off extremely well.

"Ah, Izaru!" He hummed brightly, hints of a soon to be infallible smile gracing his lips as he turned around all the way. "Nice to see you again, though I'm surprised you're here. You're up pretty early." he told her. She shrugged and gave him an easy smile in return.

"Well so are you." She quipped without skipping a beat and he smiled at the reply. "I'm supposed to be helping the Science and Research Club with a project before classes start, so I gotta get to school bright and early." She explained with ease, though she smiled in slight exasperation next. "I'm sure we won't get done today or even in the next few, though I hope we do... I looked over their plans, and I don't think things are gonna go as they expect." She chuckled, "... ah, but such is experimenting. Things are always bound to go against what you think~"

He smiled at that, chuckling a bit himself. "You really expect it to go that bad?" He hummed brightly, she sighed, shrugging a bit but smiling anyway.

"Well, personally I don't think they've really thought through how much power they're gonna need to make any of the project work- and they certainly haven't gotten the right circuitry to get there. And the battery they plan on using probably isn't gonna cut it either." She hummed, shrugging again, before she chuckled. "... Pluuuus, one of the guys keeps switching up the wires in all the schematics he drew up, so that's definitely gonna be a snag somewhere down the line~" she added and Toshinori smiled in amusement at the thought. "We'll figure it out though, just gonna have to work some things and maybe dull the scale down a bit." She murmured, he chuckled again.

"Sounds like they're lucky to have you helping out." He commented, she smirked, her blue eyes glittering with mirth.

"Lucky is understating it a bit." She chuckled. "They'd probably start an electrical fire if I wasn't around to check the configuration for them, hehe~" He smiled at the comment, and the lack of modesty, but she wasn't being arrogant.

Izarus bit down on the straw of her juice box, smiling softly. "Hmm... They'll learn fast I think, they're all pretty smart. I probably won't even need to help out for very long, once they see and understand all the little mistakes..." She added, musing almost. Toshinori's eyes flashed, still smiling softly at her as his hands landed on his hips.

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