Chapter 12- Fragments

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Chapter 12

Disclaimer: I do NOT own My Hero Academia, or its characters. I DO however, own my OCs and my story.


.......... So much is just...... Strewn everywhere..


"Students of Class A and B. I, Professional Hero; Eraserhead- hereby authorize you for combat!"

You have to defend yourselves.... But don't get yourselves killed...!


He bent down on to his knee, heart pounding and a weight like a stone in the pits of his stomach- worry.

He didn't have a choice.... But that didn't make it easier.

Midoriya was already gone, speeding off the second his message was done- leaving Aizawa with Kouta and the very quiet form of Seer. He was aware of Kouta standing there, shaking, sniffing, but staying back from the woman (who, albeit- had saved his life...) who was as much a Villain as the one who killed his parents, and now looked so... Empty.

Blood dripped in a constant, slow stream from her hands and the wire still wound tightly there, dug into her flesh. The wound on her shoulder stilled in its bleeding but it was no less serious. His Capturing Device was still wrapped around her, preventing her trying to run, not that he thought she would, but he left it there anyway for the time being. He knew well he couldn't take her with him, he had Kouta to keep an eye on, but he wasn't about to just let her go anyway. Not in case she gained her senses again and fell back into her role to cause chaos. He stiffened, pausing for a second as he growled.

I forgot to tell Midoriya to come back immediately...... Damn it, I can't believe I dropped the ball like that....

He knew why he had though, there was just too much going on- too much running through his head.

His eyes fell to the wire and her hands, sighing internally as he slowly, carefully picked up the sharp lines and started to unwind them, loosening them from around her hands and pulling it away from digging into her flesh- it was probably painful, but she didn't flinch, she didn't even blink. He paused a few seconds about halfway through, his body stiffening involuntarily as his eyes narrowed at her fingers- it was unnoticeable unless you were close enough to her, but the flesh across her fingertips was..... scarred, from being burned.

.... she burned off her own fingerprints....?

When he was done he tossed the wire away and paused once more, his eyes searching her expression, peering into her face and those utterly dull grey eyes behind the strands of ebony black hair falling around her face and shoulders- covered in blood and muck and whatnot- but she looked as unaware as a doll.

He couldn't take her with him, he'd have to leave her here... And he had to take his Capturing Device.

He dug in one of the pouches on his belt, pulling out a pair of handcuffs he had for one such occasion, and tightening them around her wrists, his scarf loosening as he pulled it back up and around his neck again. ".... Are you planning on running?" He grumbled as he stood back up again,

There was no answer and he sighed, shaking his head and turning to Kouta. He easily picked the boy up in his arms, casting Seer one last look- before he headed off into the trees.

Seer was left sitting there, motionless, quite, uncaring and unaware of the smoke over the trees or the destruction, or even the slow drip of her own blood.... she didn't feel the pain.

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