A Very Deep Conversation.

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When me and ryan got back from subway we went around and gave everyone there sandwich.

Suddenly I herd a bunch of screaming. Female screaming. I looked behind me and there were a bunch of girls running toward where I was luckily there was a rope and police officers to block them from coming closer to me.

“Amazing isn’t it?” a male voice behind me said. I turned around to those big brown eyes.

“Yeah it is.” I said glanceing back to the still screaming girls who are getting louder now that pop star was in clear view.

“Yup and their all here to see me.” he said. I smirked.

“Don’t get cocky now Bieber.” I warned him.

“Oh and what are you gonna do about it?” he said showing his pearly whites.

“Start a rumor about you, ahh yes I can see it now, Justin Bieber gets girl pregnet.” I said putting my hands in the air as if smoothing the air.

“HaHa your hilarious! Sorry but I think someone beat you too that one.” He said smiling.

“Damn.” I said smileing back at him. “I just jokeing I would never do that.”

“It’s good to know you’re not a wack job.” He smile with those big brown eyes blaring into mine. I just smiled and looked down. Wow my shoes were really interesting today.

I felt fingers on my chin and it was being lifted.

“Your Beautiful you know that?”  he told me as he looked in my eyes. And my face was redder than a tomato.

“Thank you.” I whispered.

“JUSTINNNNNNNNNNNNNN” someone called out from his tent thing.

“That’s my queue, see you later” he said as he winked at me and then gave a brief wave to the fans that were behind us the entire time. And then again they scream, loud. I covered my ears and turned around and ran into someone. It was Caitlin. She was also covering her ears and we laughed and walk somewhere else so we could hear each other. We walked across the street to Caribou.

We got in line and then Caitlin said “looks like Justin has a little crush on you.” I look up to look at her  to  see if she was being serious.

“Yeah right.” I said shaking my head.

“Think what you want  but I'm pretty sure friends don’t just touch each other chin and look into each others eyes like that. Trust me I use to date Justin and I know the way he looks when he likes someone.”

“You use to date him?” I asked

“Yeah a while ago but it didn’t mean anything and I have moved on.”

“Oh I see” I said as we got to the front of the line. “I’ll have a camp fire cooler.”

Caitlin smile at me and said “Same. I always get that.”

“Me too!” I said back smiling at her.

We got out coolers and sat down at a table.

“So do you think Justin will ask you out?” she asked.

“Doubt it. He only has known me for a few days.” I said shaking my head but still wanting to smile at the fact of him asking me out.

“He’s gonna, I know the way he looks at you, he likes you.” She took a sip of her cooler.

“Maybe he does maybe he doesn’t. Not gonna worry about it.” I said smiling. “So tell me about your boyfriend.”

She blushed and smiled like crazy. “His name is Nate.”

“How long have you been dating him?” I ask. I really want to get to know Catlin she seems cool. And I need a girl friend to hang around with while I'm here.

“About a Year.” She smiled again like crazy.

“you really like him don’t you.” I said smiling back at her.

“How can you tell?” She asked.

“You smile like crazy and blush the shade of s tomato.” I told her and then again she blushed and smiled like crazy. “That’s when you know are truly happy in a relationship, and you really like the guy.” I smiled.

“have you ever had a boyfriend?”

“Yeah. One, he was perfect. His name was Adam. He had light blue eyes and a very toned body. Captain of foot ball team, popular guy in school.” I looked up. “it was like a fairy tale dream. He was prince charming and I was Cinderella. Everyone always told me how lucky I was to have him. And I was. He aways treated me right. Took me out on cute dates. Took me to all of these fancy places. We even went to flordia with his family. He was rich too.” I smile and I felt my eyes getting watery. Catlin was looking at me with concern.
“I'm sorry I didn’t mean too…”

“Its fine.”  I took a napkin from the table and wiped my eyes.

“What happen?” she whispered but loud enough for me to hear her.

“one day he wasn’t at school so I asked couple if his friends where he was cause he wasn’t replying to my texts. They told me he was home sick with the flu. So after school I went to his house to check on him and see if he was ok. I also brought him some soup I got from Panara bread. It was his favorite place. So I walk into his room and saw him and this girl.” I let out a sob. I could barly finish my last sentence. I wiped my eyes again.

“Oh Hun I'm so-“

“She didn’t have a shirt on or jeans. Neither did he. There she was startling my boyfriend. Kissing him, making love to him.” I sobbed again. I looked up at Catlin she had tears in her eyes. “He looked up and got up pushed the skank off of him and just started to apologies like any guy would do if his girlfriend caught him cheating.  So I took the hot soup in my hand and poured it his his head. And I screamed at him and told him it was over and don’t even try to apologies anymore and that I would never in a million years take him back.

“I'm so sorry that’s happen.” She said as she hugged me.

“I was heart broken. I cried my self to sleep for almost 5 months. I dated him for 2 years. 2 years, waste my time.”

I just sat there hugging Catlin crying.

*2 hours later*

We were back from caribou and I have forgotten about Adam. it was in the past and I learned a long time ago he wasn’t worth my time or tears. But every time I talked about it I always cried. I mean any girl would if she caught his boyfriend cheating.   

Anyway Justin was now promoting his new album Believe. The beach show was over and it was time to pack up and go home.

We were in the SUV going home. It was now about 12am, and dark out. I getting really tired and couldn’t hold myself up anymore so I look over to my right and noticed I was sitting next to Justin’s didn’t even care, I was so tried so I laid myself across the seat and rested my head on his lap. It was a good thing we had the back seat to out self.

I was drifting off into a deep sleep and felt hot lips on my for head and herd “Good night beautiful.” I smile and fell asleep into a deep, peaceful sleep.

What did you guys think? Please vote and comment! Sorry I haven't post lately! Follow me on instagram @daniellefolk7 and on twitter @ButterCupSeven 

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