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When the studio sesh was over we left the building and were immediately surrounded by paparazzi. This is the first time I have ever been involved in this, and I'm not gonna lie I was scared shitless.

“Nicole!” I turned around and saw Justin trying to get though the crowd. He finally got to me and grabbed my hand and we made our way through the crowd and into a limo.

When we got into the limo I was a bit shooken up.

“Are you ok?” Justin asked looking at me with concerned eyes.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out so I just nodded my head.

“You sure?” he asked again.

This time I shook my head. “That was scary, how do you live through that every single day?” I asked him in a very low voice.

“You get use to it I guess.” He said looking at me shrugging his shoulders. “How about I make it up to you and take you to Mac Dons?” he smiled at me.

I turned my body to face him. “Ok.” I said with a small smile.  

“Alright let’s go” he told the driver where we wanted to go and we were off.

When we got to Mac Dons, there weren’t a lot of people in there, so was really no need for Justin to put on his sunglasses and hat.

“What do you want beautiful?” he asked me with a smile.

I blushed. I don’t think I’ll ever get use to him calling me that. I smiled at him and told him ill have a Mc Nugget meal.

We ordered and filled up out cups with soda and took a seat in the corner of the lobby area. While we were waiting for our food to be ready we played I spy.

“I spy with my little eye something green.” I said looking at the fountain machines. Particularly at the Mellow yellow one. I quickly looked away so he would know what I was spying.

“Hmm, is it the girls shirt on the poster on the wall?” he asked hopeful.

“Nope.” I said popping the P and smiling at him.

“Ok I give up.” He said in defeat.

I laughed “you only guessed one time you quitter!” I said still laughing.

“Whatever.” he said smirking. “Ok my turn, I spy with my little eye, something gold.” I tried to follow his eyes but he just looked at me. I looked around the lobby area.

I looked up on the ceiling and saw the golden arches of Mc Donald’s.

“The golden arches, duh!” I said pointing at the ceiling. I got up and did a happy dance.

“Nope.” He said also popping the p. I stopped in mid dance and look at him.

“What?! What else is gold in here besides that?!” I said throwing my hands up.

“I’ll tell you as soon as you give up.” He said smiling at me.

Oh he’s good. “Fine” I said as I squinted my eyes at him. “I give up.” I said as I sat back down and crossed my arms.

He laughed at me, and I rolled my eyes and looked at the counter and saw that our food was done so I got up and grabbed the tray and bought it back to the table.

“Finally, I'm starving.” He said taking a big bite of his Big Mac. I just look at him a laughed when he was chewing because he had ketchup on his cheek.

“What?” he said while chewing still.

“You have ketchup on your face.” I said still giggling at him.

“Oh” he said reaching for a napkin.

“No, I got it.” I said reaching for the napkin. I put it up to his cheek and wiped it off.

After we were done eating we cleaned up after ourselves and walked out the door. We were walking out to the car and I realized that he never told me what the “I spy” answer was.

“Hey you never told me what the answer to the I spy thing was!” I said.

“Oh yeah, I forgot.” He said.

“So what was it?”

“You.” He said casually and kept on walking.

“What?” I asked and stopped walking. He turned around and repeated himself.

“You. You’re gold, you’re priceless, you’re special.” He said smiling at me.

So let’s just say I lost all control and couldn’t help myself anymore. I ran up to him put both hands on each of his cheeks and kissed him.

I could tell he was shocked but when he snapped out of it our lips moved in sync perfectly with each others.

After about a minute we parted. He looked me in the eyes and I saw something in his eyes that just screamed sheer truth and honesty.

He suddenly took my hand and ran to the limo. 




Follow me on instagram @daniellefolk7 and on twitter @ButterCupSeven 

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