I've Got a Plan

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The next morning me and Justin walked down stairs into the kitchen. Usher was standing there pouring coffee into a cup.

“Morning lovers.” He said and took a seat at the breakfast bar, while checking his phone.

I blushed and Justin just rolled his eyes but smiled.

“Should I make you guys breakfast?” Justin said.

I looked at him with wide eyes and laughed.

“You, make breakfast. Oh I have to see this.” I said taking a seat next to usher.

“Watch and learn.” Justin said pulling out a frying pan.

I rolled my eyes.

20 minutes later I had a huge plate full of eggs, bacon, pancakes, and sausage.

“I’m shocked.” I said.

“Me too.” Usher said as he had the same plate full of food as me.

“Yeah, not just a pretty face here.” He said and took a bow.

I giggled and usher rolled his eyes.

We dug into our food scarfing it down in 10 minutes.

“So what are the plans for today?” Usher asked us.

“I have to go to the studio today; I need to catch up on stuff.” Justin said.

“I have to clean my room cause it’s a mess.” I said laughing.

All of a sudden someone stormed in the room and slammed a magazine on the table.

“What the hell is this.” Scooter said loudly making me jump.

Justin and I walked to the tabled where he slammed it down and took a look at the cover of the teen magazine.

My mouth dropped into a little O.

I looked at Justin with a worried face.

“Look I can explain.” Justin said putting his hand up in defense.

“Well you better.” Scooter said. “You are sooooo damn lucky that her face can’t be seen in this photo.”

“Look scooter this is my fault, I ran away from him, this would have never happened if it wasn’t for me.”

“I don’t care whose fault it was, you both have got to be more careful. And now you have ruined your chances of going anywhere together because the paps are going to be all over for this.” He said pointing at the magazine cover that had Justin standing surrounded my paps and me walking away while Justin was staring at me. The only picture they got was of my back. The caption was “JUSTIN BIEBERS NEW SECRET GIRLFRIEND??”

“What happen to your face?” Usher asked Justin now realizing it. God he’s dumb.

“Uhh...” Justin stammered looking at me with desperation.

“Tell them.” I said looking at Justin.

“What?” he said looking at me with crazy eyes

“I’m sick and tired of being pushed around by people who I don’t even know why they hate me but they do and I’m sick of it!” I yelled.

Justin, scooter, and usher just looked at me.

“Umm, ok.” Justin said and took a deep breath and told the story from chipotle then to the restaurant.  

“Ok so it’s obvious that they want something.” Scooter said.

“Like what, money?” I asked.

“Who knows.” Usher said.

“So how do we find out?” Justin said.

They all looked at me.

“What? No, I’m the one being threatened, why do I have to find out what they want?” I said.

“Cause, this is about you they aren’t going to tell Justin or us.” Scooter said.

“Whyyyy… Can’t the police take care of it?” I whined.

“No. If we go to the police it will just make Tj and them angrier.” Justin said and they all nodded their heads in agreement.

“Ughh. Fine.” I said taking a bite out of my apple that I recently picked up.

They all smiled.

“I’ve got a plan.” Scooter said. 




Follow me on instagram @daniellefolk7 and twitter @ButterCupSeven 

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