A Talk With Usher

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“Ow!” I yelled. His hand was like a snake around my wrist. “Let go!” I yelled. Finally he let go and murmured a sorry as he franticly was looking out all the windows in the limo.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

He stopped looking out all the windows like an idiot who lost his keys or phone.

“What?” he asked kind of fast.

“Why are you franticly looking out the windows?” I asked him.

“What? Oh nothing I just thought um, that I um, dropped my…phone when we were walking out but it um turns out that it was in my pocket the whole time.” He said slowly and I could tell something was wrong. He gave me a small smile. I raised my eyebrow at him.

I was gonna say something but I thought about what he just said about me and that kiss, oh that kiss was amazing. So I decided to ignore all of it. I mean if it was that big of a deal he would tell me. Right?

When we got back to my house, I mean ushers house, Justin told me he was just gonna drop me off cause he need to go home and take care of something. He walked me to the door and gave me a peck on the lips and told me he would see me later then got in the limo and drove away.

I walked in the house and went straight to my room. It was now about 7 o clock and the sun was setting in the sky so I went out to my balcony area just outside a door of my room and leaned on the railing and watch the sun slowly sink into the sky.

“Pretty aye?” I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw usher.

“Yeah it is” I said turning back around facing the sunset no wanting to miss any of it. “Aye” I said glancing back to him for a brief second before turning back around. I heard him chuckle behind me and I smiled. The sun was still setting so I walked over to the chairs and table and sat down.

Usher sat down in the chair across from me. “So where were you just now?” he asked me raising his eyebrows at me. I smiled to myself

“Oh, ya know.” I said with a big smile on my face.

“With Justin I'm thinking.” He said giving me a smile.

“Maybe.” I said and laughed.

“That’s what I thought. Where did you go?”  He asked acting like a girl wanting hot gossip.

“We went to Mac Dons and got food then came home.” I said not wanting to mention the kiss and gold thing to my uncle…

He put both his hands on his cheeks and leaned on the table and sighed and said “How Romantic.”

I laughed, and said “Oh yeah all that fatty, greasy, food that so good yet so bad for you, all for about 5 bucks.”  I laughed and so did he.

“So you guys gonna date or…” he asked kind of serious.

I sighed. “I don’t know. We kind of just met sooo, I don’t know.”

“Well be careful, the last thing I want is you getting hurt.” He said, still talking serious.

“yeah, yeah, yeah I know.” I said.

“Well as long as you know.” He said getting up. “And another thing, don’t rush into things too fast. The last thing I need a little kid running around this house.” He said smiling at me. My jaw dropped, I smiled then slapped him on the arm as I stood up from the chair.

“I can guarantee nothing like that will be happening for a long long long time.”I said to him.

“I know” he laughed. “Well I'm gonna go talk to scooter about something’s.” He kissed me on the forehead and started walking away. He was almost to the door when he turned around and asked “Hey, you guys haven’t been out in public with each other without Justin’s hat and glasses on have you?” My heart dropped, I don’t know why but it just did.

“No, why?” I lied but it’s not like it was that big of a deal I mean no one saw us so it doesn’t matter.

“Just making sure. Ok I’ll see you later, get some rest.” He said heading for the door again.

“It’s 7 o clock…” I said.

“Don’t you girls need beauty sleep or something?” he asked.

“No.” I said

“Ok…well whatever.” he said laughed and walked out the door, and I assume out of my room all together. I laughed to myself and walk into my room a closing the door balcony behind me.

I decided to get a good night sleep so I washed my face, crawled into my cozy bed and dreamed about me and Justin’s kiss today. 




Follow me on instagram @daniellefolk7 and on twitter @ButterCupSeven 

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