I decided to take a shower, and put on some clothes. A shirt and some shorts that were short. I'm home might as well say, so I'll wear them. I put my kinky hair in a bun, going over towards Roses Journals. The journals were like books. She kept writing in them, almost everyday.

Some of them were disturbing. But it kept adding on. They were telling a big piece of something that was very important. I didn't really fully read all of them but the first one.. the other ones I kept hitting spots int them.

My door came open to Lukas and I rolled my eyes. "Knocking is something you should do" I said and he didn't say anything.

He came towards me and snatched me up by the wrist. "I don't know who you think you are-"

"I'm Danielle Stevenson, that's who I am" I smirked, he slammed me against the wall, making my head hit the wall. I groaned, glaring at him.

"Danielle, you keep disrespecting me with that little mouth of yours, you're going to regret it. So do me a favor and stop fucking talking and respect me like you should" He said and I wasn't backing down. He didn't scare me.

"You don't scare me" I looked him in the eyes. We both stayed like that till someone opened my door.

"Oh my god! Is everything okay?" Gina said, but we stayed the same way. Staring at each other the same way. That was until Archer came between us to break it up.

Lukas snatched away from him, walking out of my room while I folded my arms, mad as ever. I don't like Lukas. I never will.

I was in the car with Lukas... cause apparently I had to shop for a dress.. which I didn't see what was wrong with the dresses I had. He's a hard man to get along with. How do they even get along with this bitch?

"Why are we even out anyway? I had dresses at the house... Why I got to go get another one?" I asked, breaking the silence because once again it was hard to get along with this bitch.

"Cause I don't like them" He stated, making me have a scrunched up face. What the fuck is wrong with this man?

"You're difficult" I mumbled, turning my head towards the window. "No Danielle... you are difficult"

I dropped my mouth, nodding my head. I'm difficult... okay. I'm about to be extra as fuck. "Let me out" I stated, which he ignored me. "Lukas... Let me out of this car" I said again, he still ignored me.

"Okay" I mumbled, when he stop at another stop light, my black ass is getting the fuck out.

When he stopped at a stop light, I made it my business to unlock the car doors, getting my phone and wallet, slamming the door shut.

I started walking on the sidewalk while he was driving. I saw when he pulled his car beside me and rolled the window down.

"Danielle get your ass back in the car!" He yelled, making me scoff, still walking on the sidewalk. "Fuck no"

"Danielle, if you don't get your ass in this car, I'm going to feed to my fucking lions, don't play with me"

I laughed a little, "You always threaten me about you feeding me to the animals. Bears, Lions, what's next Snakes?" I said. I heard him groan of frustration and he stopped the car.

I started walking faster, while I didn't see the car anymore. I went into an alleyway, making sure he couldn't find me.

But there was a black van that pulled up in the Alleyway. I saw that it was a Mexcian man that got out. I noticed that it was two other men that was getting out.

"Is that her?" One asked, the other nodded. "Yeah that's her" I started to panic when I was about to run but guess what? I bumped into another man that I was not familiar with.

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