|Chapter LII|

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Your worst battle is between what you know and what you feel

Chapter 52:  One last breath

Jordan's heart was beating a mile minute as he approached the morgue in the hospital. He kept telling himself that it wasn't her in the body bag but then again he learnt that Micheal didn't make empty threats.

No matter how crazy people would think he was, Jordan didn't believe his girlfriend was dead, wherever she was. He would know if she was here. And he couldn't feel the connection he felt whenever she was nearby.

Nicholas opened the door escorting him into the cool room. Placed in the middle was a silver examining table containing a body sized bag. It was still, being the only lifeless thing in the room. That was if you excluded the fact that Jordan felt like that. He felt out of place without Renée. He was one of the things that held him together.

Nicholas stood on the side of the room, his hands in front of him. "Whenever you're ready." He too was hoping it wasn't Reneé in there. That would mean he failed as both a police officer and a husband to Madison. Failing to bring the Grayson and Renée back to their families.

He had to find them but it wasn't the easiest case he'd come across. This one being harder for him as it was family related. It was the first time any of his cases involved someone he knew. Despite the fact he didn't know her well, Madison did. Now that he was married to her, his family was hers and her family was his. He would do anything for family.

Micheal would be dead if it was Renée in the bag, Jordan thought.

He managed to interfere with almost everyone's life. Jordan's, with and without being here. Tyler's, telling him that he was his father which was the worst news he could receive. Thea's, disturbing her happiness that took quite a while to recover as well as Cali's, resurfacing the emotional baggage.

It still disturbed Jordan to find out first hand that Tyler was his half-brother. Just a few months ago he was a stranger to him and now he was what you could call family. Family he'd called a friend and now things between them would be odd.

Tyler wanted to punch Michael's witted face after knowing he was the guy who caused his mother hardship. He didn't care about him being his father. He never wanted to meet him in the first place and would make sure he'd pay for the ill-judged things he did to those around him.

Nobody knew what to say after Michael opened his smeary mouth. Everyone was at loss of words. Everyone except Cali.

For years she had been thinking who was the woman Micheal messed around with after hours. When she waited home like the good housewife he pegged her to be, thinking he was working late.

It had all been a lie and nothing shocked her the most to know the mistress was someone she called a friend. It indeed was a very small world if you thought about it. A small evil world filled with delinquents.

Jordan didn't have time to stand and stare until courage knocked on his door. He prepared himself since day one of her disappearance. He proceeded to the table and hovered his hand over the zip. Taking one last breath, he opened the bag.

Same hair, same skin tone, same dress. It was her dress, the same bridesmaid dress she wore the day she was taken. The same dress that was now covered in dried up blood. Jordan would've crumbled down to the floor if it was Reneé.

"Thank God. It's not her." He mumbled. His hand went flying to his hair, a sign of relief. "It's not her." He told Nicholas who was also relieved.

But even if it wasn't her, some other girl lost her life for no reason. She was possibly a stranger to him and he didn't hesitate killing her. Renée was a stranger to him and he wouldn't think twice before taking her life.

Micheal was declaring a war and was involving those who were guilt-free. Jordan wasn't going to sit around and wait for what Michael had planned next. This wasn't a simple game of chess, waiting for the opponents next move. Jordan was going to play a game of soccer with him. Where one didn't have to wait for the other's step but merely intercept it.


Hellloooooooooo. I'm updating again tomorrow ;)
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Song~ Sincerity is Scary by 1975


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