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She was poetry in a world that was still learning the alphabet

Chapter 26: Mystery romantic vibes

The cold wind blew against my skin making me shiver. Each step I took made me wait in anticipation wanting to know what was before me.

Jordan could be the most romantic person when he was. I could sense there was something amazing before me that was separated by the blindfold I had on.

It seemed to be something on a higher level than ground with the number of stairs we went up. I had a hunch that there was an elevator but Jordan wanted to stall the surprise even longer.

The faint sounds of cars passing by gave me suspicion that we were in the city. The city was the only place I could think of to sound this busy and full of many cars.

"How far until we can stop walking?" I asked holding onto his arm as a guide.

"Just a couple more steps."

"That's what you said before." I whined.

"That was less than a minute ago." He deadpanned. "We seriously need to get you into sports."

"You shouldn't be talking, I can run faster than you." I confidently said knowing that the only thing I had going for me was my speed. How sad.

"I play soccer which requires speed. Plus I have more stamina than you do."

True but I wasn't gonna say that to him. He's already so full of himself when it came to any physical requirements. I can barely pass the fitness part of P.E.

"I'm still faster." I mumbled. Maybe Jordan was right about me going track.

"You're so stubborn. You know that?" But he'd never admit that I had more speed than him.

I faked gasped. "I'm not stubborn. I'm just persistent. It's a skill in life that everyone should learn in life."

"You are so annoying." He exhaled.

"No, you're vexatious." I shot back my sight still blocked seeing almost nothing but darkness.

"Stop with your high-class words. You make me look ignorant."

"Well maybe if you would pick up a book then you'd have a wider vocabulary."

"Maybe if you'd pick up a soccer ball then your lack of physical activity wouldn't as bad."

"Brains over brawn's." I took a step forward trying to look intimidating but it wasn't working. One, I was way shorter than him. Two, I wasn't even sure that I was facing him. I could be talking to a ghost next to him for all I know.

"I'll prove you wrong." He said and I knew what was coming next. I let go of his arm and ran not even knowing where I was going.

In a quick second he grabbed my waist and placed his arms under my back and knees letting me off my feet.

"Jordan!" I screeched in shock. I could feel him running while I was still in his arms and spinning me around. "Let me go!"

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