|Chapter LI|

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You can always tell how much you love someone by how much they can hurt you

Chapter 51: What are you afraid of?

I barely made it through the night. I continued to bleed out and there was nothing I could to stop it. I passed out at some point from the loss of so much blood. The worst thing was that I could bleed to death.

When I woke up, I found Gavin next to me with his head on my shoulder. There was no tape on my mouth meaning he must've taken it off for me.

I wondered what was happening out in the world. Was there posters plastered around with our pictures and descriptions? Were police forces looking high for us because they certainly weren't looking low. I didn't even know where we were. We could be out of the state making it harder to locate us.

Right now it was a waiting game that was going to take long. In the movies the victims were found within days but what about reality. I never paid attention to the news and those missing teens  I wish I would've because I never heard of one of them being found. It scared me even more.

What if they never find us or they don't find us in time? Our family wouldn't be able to handle us in coffins being lowered six feet under. Trust me, I knew the feeling.

I tried moving my leg to see if it was getting better yet it was even more painful than the last time. It looked ten times worse, the dried up blood all over the floor and pants.

I'm sure he knew how much damage taking out the knife would cause. What if my leg decays and it would have to be amputated? Not only would I be not able to run but I wouldn't be able to walk.

Positive thoughts, Renée. Positive thoughts.

How was I supposed to be optimistic in this state? If he could stab me, imagine what else he could do. I was starting to understand even more why Jordan did what he did. From a young age he saw Michael abuse Cali showing no remorse. It was only natural for him to do the same though it didn't make what he did right.

I felt Gavin stir around eventually waking up.

"Morning, I think." I gave him a forced smile. It was selfish for me to be glad that I wasn't in this alone. Yet, I wished it wasn't someone as young as him. He was just a child and I was responsible for him now. I needed to make sure that he was okay throughout this whole experience.

"Hi." He mumbled scratching his eyes with his tied up hands. "Is you're leg okay?"

"Um, yeah." I downplayed. "It just needs some stitching."

"I hate stitches. I got one under my chin when I was five." He lifted his chin showing the scarring where the stitching was.

"What happened?"

"I fell off a swing."

"I got one on my knee while I was running. I tripped and scrapped my skin open." I casually said.

"Oof. That must've been painful. Did you bleed?"

"A lot." Not as much as I did these past hours.

"Mum says if you bleed too much that you can die." Well jeez kid, thanks for the comfort.

"What else did she say?"

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