|Chapter III|

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Eliminate negative people from your life

Chapter 3: Possessive is a male version of clingy

I woke up from the sunlight that peeped through my black curtains. I opened it having the view of the neighbour's house. Their house wasn't far from this one. There was a room which was directly opposite mind with the navy-blue curtains closed.

I opened the window to let in some fresh air before making my way to the en suite bathroom. I brushed my teeth then took a shower.

As I looked in the mirror I saw the few marks on my body, them being from his grip being too tight. I had a few bruises on my arm, neck and red hand mark still on my face. That's where it ended and I hoped that they wouldn't scatter further from those places.

Sighing, I went into my room and wore jeans and a nice-looking T-shirt. I made my way back to the bathroom putting on concealer and other make-up to cover the marks. It was a daily routine that I'd gotten used to.

Cali was already downstairs preparing breakfast for everyone. She was a lovely woman who was even more welcoming when I came here. She had treated me like one of her own since birth. It was like I was her third child. First being Jordan's half-sister and second being Jordan.

"Morning." I greeted.

"Morning darling." She greeted back before placing a plate of food in front me. "Here you go."

"Thanks." I said before eating the lovely breakfast Cali had prepared: bacon and pancakes without the eggs.

"How's work going?"

"It's work, eh. But thanks for asking." Cali was only in her early forties and was a business owner and was a single mother who'd raised Jordan by herself since he was five. "By the way, I won't be here next week."

"Where you going this time?" Jordan asked walking in the room. He was dressed in a black shirt that hugged his muscles along with a pair of jeans.

He gave his mom a kiss on the cheek then gave me a one on my forehead. I was much shorter than him as my height only reached below his chin.

"I'm going to Europe for some business. I'll be back the week after." I didn't like it when she left, it made me wary. When Cali was here it made me feel safe but when alone with Jordan I didn't feel as secured. Before I wouldn't mind but now it was a thing of not knowing what would happen.

I could never tell with him. It didn't happen all the time, only when I did something wrong, I suppose. My fate was in my own hands so I had to make careful decisions every day, even the smallest ones.

"I'm in charge, right?" He questioned.

"No, Renèe is." I almost choked on my food. I mean I get I'm responsible but did she really want to put a girl who's still scared of the dark to be in charge?

"What? Why?" Jordan asked not believing a single word that came out of his mother's mouth.

"Lately I trust her to be in charge of the two of you when I'm not here. Don't think I don't know that you had a little get together the last time." She said putting in quotations mark with the word 'little'.

Jordan started looking at me but looked back knowing I wouldn't tell her anything. Although when we were younger I was quite a tattletale.

"How did you-"

"The neighbours have ears too." For a minute, I thought she installed a camera or a hidden microphone. That wouldn't be possible otherwise she would've known about the things Jordan did.

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