|Chapter XXVI|PART I

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When a flower doesn't bloom you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower

Chapter 26: I won't leave you

The empty room came off as being very calming as I concentrated on some work. If it was any other day there would be a few whispers here and there but it was dead silent, just how I liked it.

My brain focused on the material when a small wind hit against my skin. I stopped writing and took in the change of smell. A fancy smelling cologne lingered my scent, it was my favourite smell.

Slowly turning around I came face to face with the person who stood behind me. His height towered down on me even more with me sitting down.

"What are you doing here on a Friday afternoon?" Jordan asked still looking down at me.

I gestured to the table. "I'm studying." I slowly said, breaking the word into syllables.

"After school? In the library? You really need to learn to stop stressing yourself out." He shook his head to himself.

"I'm not stressed!" I exclaimed. I waited for the many shushes until I remembered I was the only one hers. "I'm just getting some work done."

"C'mon get up."


"I'm taking you somewhere. I've been actually looking for you. I even tried calling but your phone's on silent." He was already putting my books and notes into my bag.

"Where we going and why were you looking for me?"

"I'm taking you on a date."

Jordan was the sweetest person I've ever met and I wasn't exaggerating. He gave me flowers earlier for our anniversary, this time I didn't dispose them. I thought we were just going to watch a movie at home but he clearly had more planned. Although I was in the mood for that.

"No Netflix and chill?" I pouted.

He snickered. "No Netflix and chill."

"Fine." I sighed getting out of my chair. He carried my bag as we walked out of the library down the hallway.

"So where you taking me?"

"I was thinking we head to the field."

I stopped giving him a wondrous look. "The field? As in the soccer field?"

"No the football field." He sarcastically said. "Yes Ray, the soccer field."

"But why? There's no game today." I went back into the pace of walking beside him.

"I know."

"So why are we going there. Please tell me you're not gonna force me to play. You out of all people know that sports is not my forte."

"It's not like anyone's gonna be there to see you embarrass yourself."

I gasped and pushed him to the side. He erupted in laughters from my reaction. I sped walk ahead of him annoyed with the fact he insulted my soccer skills.

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