|Chapter XXXVI|

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If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down

Chapter 36: Cops with tattoos

I don't think either of us were prepared to see what was inside. Anything that took this much effort to be hidden away wasn't meant to be found by anyone.

As I started to twist the key in the lock we heard the sound of a car door closing. Jordan and I both looked at each with wide eyes.

"She's home early." I mouthed.

Instantly we got up and put the box in the hole covering it with the carpet. I helped Jordan with pushing the bed back into place. We stepped back examining the room to make sure everything was in place and untouched.

As we hurriedly made our way out, the front door opened. I silently closed the door just when someone spoke.

"How's the happy couple doing?" I spun around and peaked over the railings. My face automatically brightened and I squealed running down the stairs.

I pulled her into my arms hugging her tightly. She returned the gesture and was just as excited to see me as I was to see her. It's been months since I've seen or spoken to her.

"You're here." I said stepping back. "You've changed." There was nothing physically different about her. She still had her dirty blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. I noticed how her smile was brighter and she was glowing. "You look happier."

"I am—"

"Madison." Jordan said.

"Nice to see you too little brother." She stood on her tippy toes and ruffled his hair. "Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna give me a hug?"

He embraced his sister in a long hug, clearly have missing her. They had such an amazing brother and sister relationship. They fought a lot but at the same time they saw eye to eye most of the time.

"What are you doing here?"

"Can I not just drop by and say hi?"

He didn't look convinced, neither did I. "You're saying you travelled halfway across the country to just say hi." He added. "After not calling for months."

"Well one of my reasons for coming was to see how you were doing." She was talking about me. "I heard what happened and wanted to see for myself if you were alright."

"I'm fine, it's nothing to worry about." I assured her. I was down playing it when in fact she could've been attending a funeral.

She sighed in relief. "What happened?"

I made a thin line with my lips. "I'd rather not say." I would tell but I promised myself not to mention anything from that night again. It was best for my mental state so I wouldn't constantly remind myself of the incident.

"What matters is that you're okay." She gave me another hug to show that I had her support and someone to talk to when needed.

"Now what's the real reason you're here for?" Jordan folded his arms leaning against the wall.

"What makes you think that there's a real reason?" He raised his eyebrow at her. "Okay, fine. You got me. There's someone that I want you guys to officially meet." Jordan and I questionably looked at each other.

Madison peered her head into the other room then came back in the living room but not alone.

A tall, built guy with jet black hair held her hand. His skin was tanned and I noticed some tattoos underneath his folded sleeve. He was dressed in jeans and the first two buttons of his black tucked in dress shirt undone.

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