|Chapter XXXIII|

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We don't have to be ordinary, make your best mistake

Chapter 33: I love you

Two weeks had passed since I almost died. It was one of the scariest and most dramatic thing I experienced in my life. But it was like it never happened.

Since I came back from hospital nobody spoke of it. The news never got to the ears of the people I schooled with and it was all because of one person. He somehow always managed to clear things for me.

The only people who knew what happened to me was everyone who was at that party. I wouldn't say that I trusted everyone within the group but then again I hardly trusted anyone.

Emily, being one of them, had stopped bothering me. We'd only see each other during classes but I don't know when it was the last time I saw her by the lockers. She was avoiding me like a plague. The times I'd seen her she had a look of regret in her eyes whenever seeing me.

Kyle stayed away and almost appeared afraid to even look me in the eye. I think he felt guilty in some way. At the party he basically handed me over to Heath in a heartbeat. I knew Kyle was cruel but I didn't think he was that evil.

In the end it looks like Kyle ended up not getting what he wanted.

I couldn't help think that Kyle and Emily knew what was going to happen and for that they both weren't feeling too good about it. I mean, they're friend drugged me, almost got his way with me and I almost died.

I have to thank the people who found me right before Heath could do anything. Both Violet and Tyler showed that I could trust them. I trusted Vee a long time ago but Tyler just came into my life and earned my trust.

If it wasn't for the two then who knows what the outcomes would've been. I didn't know how I'd be able to repay them.

It's the actions that people do that show how much they cared for you. I could actually believed that there were people out there who did worry about me. I just wasn't able to come to terms with it.

If they were ever to ask me a favour, I would absolutely do it, no questions asked. Even if this situation did not occur I would still do it, it was my nature to help people. But I didn't like asking for it.

When I was discharged my inhaler was changed as well as I was given medication to take on a daily basis. The doctor had also given me strict orders to not do any heavy physical activity for the next two weeks. I guess that meant I finally had an excuse to skip gym.

I also remembered about Jordan asking me about track. I had a long time to think about it while I was in hospital. It was something I was considering to do but with what happened I expected the doctor to advise me to do the opposite. Yet he'd given me a thumbs up and encouraged me to do so after two weeks.

I was more that excited to try out. Track wasn't just about the medals or fame. I'd get a feeling every time I ran. The rush of getting past the finish line beating my time every race was unexplainable. That was one of the things I missed and that I could get back. I knew if I put my mind and heart to it then it would be as if I never left.

The next thing I knew I was doing was speaking to the captain of the track team. Tryouts were last week but I had to at least convince her to let me run once. Just once was all I needed to prove to not just her but to myself that I was capable.

It took a lot of convincing until she agreed and told me to be ready the next day. It was just a tryout yet I squealed and gave her a grateful hug. I felt as if I was a step further at getting something back into my life.

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