Chapter Fifty-Five: Beginner's Luck

Start from the beginning

"Please. I think I'd remember seein' you on my bus." I rolled my eyes.

"Actually, I was kind of uh, big boned back then. I was on a strict diet of Gin, donuts, and regret. But I got another shot at it, and I worked my tight butt off, and now? I'm the hottest male superhero in town." I chuckled to myself. "My life, it's never been better. Kinda like yours."

"Yeah, but aren't you afraid of losing it all?" She questioned.

"Yeah. I-I am. Which is why I'm a part of this team. You said that your family bailed on you, so I can understand why you wouldn't trust someone to look out for you, but Izzy I can tell you first hand that these amazing weirdos, they won't bail. They created a buddy system for me. And, if you'll stay...they'll keep you safe. I promise."

"So? Who's gonna be my buddy, then? Certainly not little-miss-attitude in there." I rolled my eyes again.

"I may have to pull some strings, but...I will see if I'm available." She giggled and I shook my head, walking back down the hallway. why do I feel like this? Why does the idea of Ralph making Izzy laugh and being her 'buddy' make me so angry? Is this jealousy? No, that's ridiculous. 

Laura Sue Wilson does not get jealous. 


I repeated this phrase in my head as I watched Ralph stand across from Izzy in the speed lab.

"If looks could kill, Izzy would be six feet under right now." Cisco muttered in my ear.

"Shut up." I shot back.

"Oh. Ok. Is Laura Wilson jealous?" I glared at him, making his smug smirk falter.

"I am not jealous, I don't get jealous, and I certainly have no reason to be jealous, so keep your accusations to yourself, if you don't mind."

"Jeez, I was kidding." He said, backing away from me. "Defensive much?"

"I'm not defensive!" He raised his eyebrows. "Shut up!" 

"Yes ma'am."

"You my new target, Stretch?" Izzy asked, fiddle in hand.

"Yeah, 'cause I don't break so easy." She scoffed.

"Please. You're built like a twig." She started playing a tune on the fiddle, and the soundwaves blew towards Ralph. His body flew backwards but his feet stayed in place, with just his legs bending, leaving him flapping in the wind like one of those inflatable men outside of car dealerships. She stopped and he tipped back up onto his feet, breathing heavily.


We'd been sitting here for six hours, working on Izzy's aim. She shot another wave into the air.

"You missed. Again." Ralph told her.

"Well what do you expect Ralph, I've been doin' this all day. I need a water break." She walked off to the side and Ralph looked at us, shaking his head.

"Maybe we should call it a night." Iris suggested.

"Not yet. She's barely landed another shot on Ralph." I looked over to them to see them standing close to each other, talking quietly. She smiled and I felt angry all over again.

"She needs more time, Bare."

"She held her own against DeVoe, totally on raw instinct."

"Beginners luck? I mean it took months to train Ralph."

"Look, this is our chance to get ahead for once. If DeVoe shows up again...we have to be ready." Barry went to walk out but I put a hand on his arm, stopping him.

"Let me give it a try." Barry eyed me warrily.

"You sure?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. Ralph, I'm taking over." I called.

"Thanks Lo, but we kind of got this covered over here and-"

"Gotta push her, Ralph." Barry told him. I kicked off, flying in the air above Izzy.

"Let's see how you do with a moving target." I said, making a force field ball and launching it at her. She played a note, shattering it before it got to her. I nodded. "Ok, ok. Let's kick it up a notch." I started flying in circles around her, launching force fields from every direction. She spun with me, shattering most of them in mid air until she missed one and it smashed into her chest, sending her to the ground.

"Laura!" Iris shouted. I stopped, landing on the ground. 

"Whoa!" Ralph jogged over to her, putting his arms under hers and helping her up.  She had blood coming out of her head. They both looked at me.

What Brings Us Together (A Ralph Dibny/ The Flash Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now