Chapter Fifty-Two: I Saved Barry

Start from the beginning

"You said there were no cameras." She said, stepping closer to me. My heart started pounding.

"I did?"


"Yes, I did say that. But then, afterwards, I installed a few."

"Did you?" She asked.

"Mhm." She touched my blazer, and I suddenly felt very uncomfortable with any woman other than Laura being this close to me.

"Something seems off with the Big Bad Wolfe. If you even are Wolfe."

"Stay in it, she's testing you." Joe said.

"What the heck is that supposed to mean? I'm the same man you've always dealt with. "

"Ok, and who would that be." She walked her fingers up my chest, over my lips, and tapped on my nose.

"The one who gives you your merchandise. And trust me, you need me a lot more than I need you, so when I say the deal has to be delayed, it's because the deal has to be delayed."

"Ok." She eyed me up and down, walking away from me. Norvock started giving me a weird look.

"What the heck?" He asked. My heart started pounding again.

"What?" I asked. It was then I felt my ear falling down my face.

"You know, sometimes I hate being right all the time." Amunet said.

"Ralph, get out of there, now!" Laura told me. I felt myself changing back.

"Uh..."I started. I ran, going through the boxing ring, and barely missing a few shards of Metal being shot into my face.


I didn't go back to STAR Labs. I couldn't face them again. Earl was right. I let them down, just like I always do. They were counting on me. Laura was counting on me, and I couldn't even hold it together. I had about a thousand texts from Laura, which I was reading, but promptly ignoring, until I fell asleep on the couch in my office. I woke up to the light being turned on.

"Ech! The light! It burns!" I complained.

"Alright, come on, time to get up." I was slightly surprised to hear Caitlin's voice instead of Laura's.

"I can't, I'm dead." I replied.

"Ok, I don't know what's going on with you, and neither does your girlfriend, considering she's freaking out right now, but I'm sure it has something to do with why you literally fell apart at the bar."

"I told Cisco a talk from him's not gonna help, and I'm avoiding Laura because that won't help either, so a talk from you is also not going to help, Caitlin." 

"Ok, I'll get somebody else." She grabbed a liquor bottle, breaking it on the side of my desk and slicing her palm. Caitlin disappeared and Killer Frost was standing in her place. I sat up.

"Hello, Stretch." She greeted.

"They call me a man who elongates now." I replied.

"They should call you, pathetic." She grabbed my jacket, pulling me off of the couch. "So you screwed up, get over it."

"You are a mean lady."

"I'm just telling you what you need to hear."

"Well I'm not gonna miss you when you leave." I answered. She scoffed, letting me go.

"Leave? Is that what this is about?"

"Well, yeah. Everybody leaves Ralph Dibny eventually, that's how this whole thing works. I screw up big time and they take off." I sat down again. "This time, the people who are gonna leave are actually my girlfriend. They're the first real ones I've had in a really long time."

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