15 | Colored Love (18+)

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A/N: Soooo here we go! Lot's of steamy smutty goodness. I'm sorry for the cringe... This is the last chapter so savor it! ^w^ That's all. (My god it's still very cringy. I haven't written smut in so long so this was awkward lol)

Jungkook opened his eyes to see a peaceful Taehyung sleeping next to him. He smiled as he looked at his angel feeling very thankful for how events played out.

It's weird how fast one year can go. Taehyung's on his last year in college and their anniversary is coming soon. It felt like just yesterday he was talking to Yoongi thinking he'll never be happy.

He sighed, feeling his stomach growl asking for food. He stumbled out of their bed and went to the kitchen.

Taehyung moved in Jungkook's apartment about two months ago and the boy still has some boxes to go through. It made it easier for the both of them as now they didn't have to use the train to visit each other.

They even helped Hoseok move into Yoongi's place after Hoseok graduated. Time was definitely moving fast.

"Woof!" Jungkook looked down at his not-so-little puppy. (A/N: I just loved how adorable it is that people think Jungkook says woof. I decided not to edit it. >w<)

"Morning, Jinyoung." He squatted down and rubbed the dog's head. "What should we make for Tae, hm?"

The dog didn't answer, just lick his hand. Jungkook chuckled and went to the kitchen to wash his hands. As he started making omelets, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him, making him jump.

"Morning, Kook." Taehyung said, morning voice sexy as always. (Then again, when is his voice not?) Taehyung pecked his neck which made butterflies flutter in his stomach.

"Morning Tae. Did you sleep well?"

Taehyung hummed, "I did. You?"

Jungkook leaned his weight against him, "I did." The two eat and sit on the couch to watch a movie. He laid his head on Taehyung's shoulder, not paying too much attention to the movie.

"Hey Tae?" He asked.

"Yeah?" He looked to him in slight worry.

Jungkook smiled before pecking the side of his lips, "Just wanted to say I love you."

Taehyung blushes but smiles as well, pecking his forehead, "Love you too."

"Since it's the weekend...wanna do... ya know?"

Taehyung chuckles, "You're great at pick up lines, babe." He kisses his forehead again. "But, yeah, I'd love to."

"Sounds perfect." Jungkook leaned more onto Taehyung, pushing him down on the couch with a small smirk.

"W-wait, now?!" Taehyung's face went all red.

"Yep." Jungkook smiled and kissed his boyfriend passionately. The two laugh in the kiss as their lips moved in perfect unison.

Taehyung opened his mouth which Jungkook smiled about before having his tongue enter. The two playfully fight for dominance even though they knew Jungkook was going to win.

"I love you." Jungkook muttered against his lips before trailing his hands to Taehyung's sweatshirt. He tugged it up and broke their kiss just to throw the sweatshirt somewhere and dove back in their kiss.

Taehyung then pulled Jungkook's shirt up and over his head. The two smile at each other before Taehyung's shirt gets the same treatment. Jungkook makes a trail of kisses from his jaw to his neck and bites it.

Colored Love | TaeKookWhere stories live. Discover now