12 | Grey Memories

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A/N: So, I decided to go all out and tackle a 'memories' chapter where we go back all the way to when the two were young. I don't know? It might be good. I hope??? Enjoy~

"Taehyung-ah be careful!" a woman called as a young Taehyung ran around the lively playground.

"Come on mommy! Let's play!" the 6-year old exclaimed with a huge box smile. He ran over to the monkey bars.

"Baby, want to try to do the monkey bars?" the boy's mom asked as she bent down to his level. The boy was quick to nod with a huge smile. She smiled kindly to him, "Ok, go ahead and climb up."

Taehyung climbed up to the latter that went to the bars and grabbed one. "Now what?" he looked down. It was a big mistake as it was higher than he thought. He was quick to grasp the bar with all his might to make sure he didn't fall.

"Baby, you have to swing yourself to each one."

He shook his head, "C-can't do it."

"Taehyung-ah, I believe in you." she said warmly. "I'm right here if you fall."

Taehyung was scared but fully trusted his mother so he hesitantly opened his eyes to look forward. With a huge gulp, he jumps and swings. "Aaah!" He yells as he swings back and forth.

"Grab the next one baby! You're doing so well!"

Taehyung grabs the next bar with his small hand and quickly brings his other hand to it. "There ya go! Keep going!" He kept going until he got to the end and let go and ran over to his mom.

He gave her legs a huge hug, "I did it, mom!" He exclaimed, box smile appearing once again.

"Yes, you did! I'm so proud of you! Now go enjoy the playground. I'm going to sit over at that bench. Don't leave my sight, ok?"

Taehyung nodded and ran over to the small jungle gym to go down a slide. He slid down and was about to go back up until he saw a small boy at the monkey bars. He was about an inch smaller than Taehyung. He looked up at the monkey bars but wasn't moving.

So, Taehyung ran over to him. It seemed to scare the boy as he flinched back. "Hey!"

The boy looked at him with a scared expression. "I'm Taehyung! What's your name?!" He smiled.

"J-Jun... c-cook." the boy stutters quietly.

"Nice to meet you Junkook!" (A/N: There's a reason why I left out the g. I did it because the two are very young and he didn't know exactly how to spell the boy's name... I'm sorry if that didn't make much sense.)

"So, what are you doing?" He asked. The boy points to the bars. "You want to do the monkey bars?"

Junkook nods shyly. "Well, why don't you?" Taehyung asked.

He shakes his head, "S-scared."

Taehyung gave him his hand, "No need to be scared! I did it so you can too! I can help you!!"

The boy looks down at the hand and back up to the boy. "O-okay." He takes his hand and then walks to the latter. He climbed it and Taehyung went to the other side.

"Grab the bar with both hands, ok?" He said.

The boy nods and takes the bar with his small hands. "Now jump to swing to the next one!"

So Junkook jumps down and swings. He grabs the bar and was quick to swing to the next one. Soon, he was at the end in record time and jumps down. "I did it Tae~" he smiled, embracing the boy.

"You did!" Taehyung giggled. "Guess what?"

"What?" The boy asked with a huge smile that reminded him of a bunny.

"You're it!" Taehyung was quick to run from Junkook.

"Whaaa?" he whined and was quick to try and catch him. The two played tag until Junkook's parents came.

"W-we have to leave?" Junkook asked with tears in his eyes.

"Sorry baby but we have to get the train back home."

Junkook hugs Taehyung. "B-bye T-tae. Thank you f-for p-playing with me." He stuttered, tears falling down his colorful eyes.

"Hopefully we'll see each other again!" Taehyung smiled and said goodbye and ran to his mom.

"Mom! I just met the most amazing friend!" He smiled, joining her on the bench.

"Oh really? I saw!" she smiled.

Taehyung noticed on the way back how the world looked different but didn't think anything of it. He just thought he was super happy to meet a friend.

Little did he know he would not see the boy for years to come.

A/N: So, I hope that was good? I think it's adorable >w<

Wanted to say a huge happy birthday to Jungkook ^w^ You're such an amazing person and it was so amazing to grow up with you (I'm 21 and my b-day's in August so we seriously are really close in age). I joined the k-pop community when you guys released DNA and I honestly am so sad that I didn't find BTS out sooner.

These boys are so amazing and work very hard. I wish they'd take a break as they deserve it but I understand that with their circumstances they can't. I'm really happy I joined ARMY because everyone's so supportive and everything. ^_^

So, happy birthday to the amazingly handsome mankae and I wish you many happy years in the future~

Edit: So, for those who are reading this, I released this chapter on Jungkook's birthday. I didn't want to delete my message as it still stands strong in my heart. These boys literally change the lives of millions and help me smile when I'm upset.

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