5 | Help in Color

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A few days passed as the weather grew a little chillier as Jungkook hurried into the heated store. He had the night shift which was unusual, but the person who had the shift had an emergency.

Jungkook sighed, resting his head on his hand, patiently waiting for a customer. Surprisingly, the shop didn't get a lot of customers for a Saturday night. Time seemed to go by slowly and Jungkook sighed in relief when he saw it was closing time.

He rang up the last customer and started to lock the doors, counted the money before locking it in the safe and then made sure things were all put away. Running through the closing list one last time, he verified everything was done as he grabbed his bag and keys and started for the doors.

Just as he was about to open the door, he heard a huge bang. Strange...no one is in here. Just to be on the safe side, Jungkook went up and down each aisle to make sure no one was hiding. Shrugging, he went for the door one last time.

"Stop struggling." he heard some man yell.

Jungkook froze, he didn't know what to do. It sounded like someone was being robbed. What do I do?

"I swear to god." He heard. A strange surge of courage surged through his body as he dropped his bag and ran out of the store. He made sure he had his phone on hand, ready to dial help if he needed it.

Slowly and carefully, he looked around the corner to see someone holding another person against the wall.

"Just give me all you have." the one who was pinning the guy up on the wall yelled.

"I...I told you I don't have anything." The other said. Jungkook stopped, that voice sounded familiar...

"You fuckin' liar!" the guy kneed the other in the gut and punched his face. The street lights illuminating Jungkook's worst fear. He saw Taehyung, with a cut lip and bloody nose. Anger surged through his body as he charged at the man, tackling him to the ground.

"What the hell?!" the man yelled, punching Jungkook across the face. He felt the sting but didn't care. How dare this man tried to rob Taehyung! He quickly grabbed his phone, throwing it towards Taehyung.

"Call the authorities, quick!" He yelled as he struggled to keep the man tackled down.

"Son of a bitch, let me go!" the man broke the hold and rolled Jungkook down to the ground and forced a hand over his neck, stopping air from moving.

Quickly, he tried clawing at the hand, forcing it off of him but to no avail. With all the strength he had, he kicked the guy straight at his lower region. It gave him enough leeway to turn the guy over one last time to get a better hold on him.

He heard sirens in the background and the guy was frantically trying to get from Jungkook's grip but he wouldn't let go. Finally, the police came in and got the guy in custody. They returned Taehyung's wallet and asked the two for their witness.

Jungkook looked over to Taehyung. He was looking at Jungkook with wide eyes as his breathing was heavy.

"You okay?" Jungkook then asked. Taehyung swallowed and slowly nodded. The two just stood there as the ambulance came. All the lights showed he really wasn't.

His face and neck were bruised as his nose was still bloody and he looked so pale. Jungkook was honestly scared and hurt. He never saw Taehyung like this, and he felt like it was all his fault. He should've just run out right away and tackled the guy.

"I'm sorry..." Jungkook said, feeling tears swell up in his eyes.

"For...what?" Taehyung asked with a weak smile. "You saved...me." And with that, his eyes closed as his body fell.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook yelled, catching him. He was out as Jungkook just stared. "Tae! Come on! Stay with me dammit!" He shook him as his tears fell on him. The EMTs rushed to get him on a stretcher as Jungkook was pulled away from him.

In a hurry, he ran back into the store to grab his bag and quickly lock up the store. In no way was Taehyung going to the hospital alone. He picked up his phone that Taehyung must've dropped in the process of passing out and asked to ride with him.

"Please! He's my friend!" Jungkook pleaded with them. Reluctantly they accepted and he hopped in. He just stared, hoping and praying he'd be alright.

He was so pale...and lifeless. No, you have to be strong for him, Jungkook. He'll be alright. He told himself. Going to his phone, he texted Yoongi and Hoseok to tell them what was going on. He hoped that the two would be awake and come.

Getting to the hospital, he ran behind the cart as he shot the two the hospital they were at. Then all the sudden he was stopped.

"Sorry, but you can't go beyond this point. Please wait in the waiting area." the nurse said as she entered the room. Jungkook didn't know what to do. He couldn't stay still.

Taehyung was in there...lifeless! How could this happen? Why was this happening? Why didn't Jungkook do more?

"Jungkook!" he heard as he looked up to see Hoseok running to him. "Oh my god, what happened? Is he ok?! Where is he?" he quickly asked all his questions.

"Hyung!" He said, stopping him from his bombardment of questions. "I'll explain everything once Yoongi gets here. I...really don't want to explain it more than once."

Hoseok nodded, quickly pulling the younger into an embrace. "Thank you for finding him..." he said. Jungkook found himself breaking once again as his eyes watered. He burrowed his head into his shoulder, unable to find words or move. It was too much information.

Soon, he felt another hand on his shoulder and he knew it was Yoongi. Having so much comfort pushed him over the edge. Taehyung didn't deserve any of this. Why was it him? It should've been me.

"Kook...look at me." he heard Yoongi say after a few minutes. Jungkook slowly looked over at him with his red glossy eyes. "He'll be alright." he then said.

Jungkook only wished for those words to be true.

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