1 - Colored Basics

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Jungkook sighed looking out of the monorail window as scenery flew by. He looked at all the colors sadly.

Ever since he told people he could see color he was asked who his soulmate was. Apparently when you and your soulmate touch, you see color.

The problem for the 20-year-old raven-haired boy was he has seen color since he could remember.

"Jungkook, are you even listening?" He heard in the background as he quickly faced his best friend, Yoongi.

"Sorry, Yoongs. What were you saying?" Jungkook sheepishly grinned.

His hyung face-palmed. "Why do I even try? I was saying I met a guy at the coffee shop today."

"Oh? And?" Jungkook then asked, giving the blonde his attention.

He sighed, "No...no luck. I don't know if maybe we didn't make actual physical contact." Unlike Jungkook, Yoongi couldn't see color.

When Jungkook told him about him being able to see color, Yoongi didn't press on the usual question since he knew Jungkook didn't have anyone.

Jungkook in a way was searching for the one who made him this way. He despised not knowing the one who changed his sight.

"I don't think it works that way hyung. I think it means physical contact no matter how small it is."

Yoongi bit the inside of his bottom lip in annoyance. "This fucking sucks. Usually, people find their soulmate around 20!" He said without thinking.

Jungkook's chest tightened, sure he saw color but he didn't know who his soulmate was. His friend saw him look down and noticed what he said.

"Shit, Jungkook. I didn't mean that. Sorry." Yoongi put his hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook smiled weakly. He knew Yoongi wasn't the best with words so he knew Yoongi didn't mean what he said. "It's okay hyung."

The last stop before their stop for work; yes, they both work at a store and their shifts so happened to be at the same time; the monorail all the sudden got packed.

"What the hell?" Jungkook muttered. This stop never got this packed. With all the commotion, people hurriedly pushed inside.

A lot of people pushed against Yoongi as Yoongi got pushed closer to Jungkook. Until someone tripped and fell onto Yoongi and the two toppled down.

With a big thud, Yoongi groaned as the vibrant red-haired boy on top of Yoongi quickly got up.

"Oh my god, are you okay?!" The boy asked giving Yoongi his hand.

Yoongi took it and looked up at the boy. His eyes widened as the two just stared at each other.

"Hyung, what the hell?" Another boy came through the crowd, apologizing along the way.

Jungkook couldn't help but stare at him. He had light brown hair with some green highlights on his bangs and he had beautiful brown eyes.

He swallowed a lump that was stuck in his throat. Holy shit, this guy's hot!

The red-head broke out of his gaze and stared all around the monorail. Yoongi had his eyes glued on this boy.

"T-Tae...what...your hair?!" The boy took the highlighted area and looked in wonder.

He then looked back to Yoongi as he smiled widely. "C-can you see my hair color?" He asked, eyes glossing over with tears ready to fall.

Yoongi, his mouth still agape, just nodded. "Y-You l-look great." Yoongi then stuttered, red burning on his cheeks.

It hit Jungkook. "No flipping way. Hyung? You can see color?!" Jungkook exclaimed.

The older nodded with a small smile. In excitement, Jungkook engulfed his best friend. "I'm so happy for you!!" He said, hugging the daylight out of him.

"Jungkook, please. I want to know his name before I die."

Jungkook quickly got off of him as the red-head blushed in embarrassment.

"I'm Jung Hoseok." He smiled, taking out his hand which Yoongi quickly took to shake.

"Min Yoongi."

Even though he was happy for his hyung, he was a bit jealous. He had no clue who his soulmate was.

Hoseok's hot friend came over chuckling. Gosh, even his chuckling is hot.

"Hobi hyung, congrats!" He put his arm over his shoulder.

Jungkook couldn't help but wish this guy was his soulmate but he probably had someone already.

"I'm Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you." He then said.

Yoongi pulled Jungkook over to them again, wanting him to introduce himself.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook." The two shook hands. Jungkook's heart was beating exceptionally fast.

This guy was sexier up close. Breaking out of his stare, Jungkook noticed their stop was coming close.

"Hyung our stop is coming close." He warned his friend.

Yoongi nodded, "C-can I have your number?" He asked, visibly flustered.

Hoseok smiled brightly as he nodded and gave Yoongi his phone number.

"Can I have yours? You know, since our friends both are soulmates?" Taehyung asks Jungkook.

He wanted to jump up and scream yes, but he resulted to nodding and giving his phone to the other.

After a quick apologetic goodbye, the two had to rush out of the monorail to get to work.

Jungkook couldn't help but be happier.

A/N: Edited! Here's the first chapter edited. Not much changed other than some grammatical errors and a change of a few words. ^_^ I'm so excited. This is so fun! Going through old stories and making it better. I hope you all like the changes.

Colored Love | TaeKookOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz