7 | The Colorful Date

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Taehyung was nervous. He was pacing endlessly in his room. He just got out of the hospital two days ago and today was the day that he and Jungkook were going out to see a movie.

Yeah, the two saw a movie together already but that was in his apartment. This was different.

They were going out and going to eat together. Taehyung found himself happy for it but knew he couldn't think of this as a date.

Still, it didn't change the fact that he triple checked himself in the mirror to make sure nothing was off. His bruises surprisingly faded fast over the last few days, so the only prominent one was on his nose and a small scar on his lip.

Sighing, he made sure he had his wallet and walked to the monorail stop. He had to go pick up Jungkook and then the two would go eat at a restaurant.

He didn't want to mess anything up. At the stop, he got out, looking for the younger and finally saw him leaning against a wall, looking down at his phone.

With the cold weather, he sported a dark red beanie and a red and black jacket with dark blue jeans. Taehyung swallowed a lump in his throat. Damn, he's so hot...

He suddenly felt underdressed but there was no going back now. Jungkook glanced up from his phone and smiled at Taehyung, pocketing his phone.

"About time you got here. Come on!" Jungkook pulled Taehyung by his sleeve out of the monorail station and walked out in the city. Jungkook's area was almost like the city where he lives but with a few less tall buildings.

"So, since we're early, want to walk the mall a bit?" Jungkook then asked sheepishly grinning, almost as if he knew they would be early.

Seriously, this kid was the definition of cute. "Sure." Strangely he had the urge to hold Jungkook's hand but pushed the thought away.

Jungkook was not his soulmate. Even though they both could see color he was positive that the younger had someone for him.

Taehyung wanted to be that person but knew he wasn't. There is no way he could be with him. Besides he didn't even know him until a few weeks ago.

He sighed in defeat. What was he doing here? Why did he want to go on a date if he wasn't Jungkook's soulmate?

"Tae? You ok?" He heard the other question him.

He really wasn't but didn't want to worry him, so he smiled, "Yeah, sorry just was thinking." How could he tell Jungkook what he was thinking?

He knew Jungkook wasn't his soulmate but was still here wanting this to be a date... The two walked around the mall and stopped at the pet store.

They both gushed at the cute puppies who were playing around. Unfortunately, Taehyung couldn't have one in their apartment... Stupid apartment rules.

"Aww, look at this one..." Jungkook said, petting one who was secluded from the others. "What's your name, little guy?"

Taehyung read the sign in front of the dog's cage to see:

Taehyung read the sign in front of the dog's cage to see:

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