3 | Coloring Questions

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"What happened to you?" Was the first question Jungkook asked Taehyung on the monorail.

Yoongi had the night shift today (lucky him) so Jungkook had to ride the monorail alone.

To see Taehyung come in was a nice surprise but as he looked closer, he saw a black eye.

The brunette smirked, "Fight with a bear." To this Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Remind me never to worry about you." He said.

Taehyung laughed, "Well it's not really a full-on lie. I did get into a fight with a guy who looked like a bear."

"And why did you fight someone?" Jungkook put his hand to his hip. Sometimes he wonders if this guy is actually older than him.

"I was protecting Jimin from a pervert."

Hearing that made Jungkook's heart hurt a bit. Why? He wasn't sure. Was he jealous that Taehyung also has someone?

"O-oh...are you two friends or something?" Jungkook cringed after asking that. It sounded worse than he wanted it to be.

Taehyung laughed at his question, "Yeah we're pretty good friends I'd say. I've known him for about two months?"

Friends. Why was Jungkook happy to hear him say that?

"Well, it's good to hear your both ok." His stop was coming up. "Well, hyung my stop is coming close so I guess I'll see ya around?" He shrugged.

Taehyung nodded, "Yeah sure. We can meet up or something." And he waved him off.

Jungkook slumped in his stool. Another boring morning shift. Hearing the bell, he looked up to find Hoseok.

"Hoseok?" He said, getting the red-heads attention.

"Hey, Jungkook!" He smiled, blinding him with his smile.

"Good morning. Why are you here?" Jungkook smiled back.

"Oh, I am in need of milk at my apartment. Have you seen Taehyung this morning?" He asked.

"Yeah, he was on the monorail today. Also, milk is at the back right."

Hoseok clicked his fingers, "Ah, right. I forgot he has a class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Thanks." He goes to pick up milk.

Classes? Jungkook was curious. What classes? What was his major? 'Woah. Slow down!' He thought as Hoseok put the half gallon on the counter.

"So, you guys are in college then?" Jungkook asks while scanning the milk.

"Yup! I'm going for music while he's going for photography."

Jungkook didn't know why, but that seemed like a perfect class for Taehyung.

"What do you do for music?" Jungkook asked as Hoseok gave him money for the milk.

"Dancing focused." He said as Jungkook handed him change.

"That's cool. Yoongi hyung likes to write songs, though he always thinks they aren't good." Jungkook shook his head as he handed him the bag of milk.

Hoseok's eyebrows furrowed, "He writes songs?" He asked.

Jungkook nodded. "Oh, he never told me. He doesn't open up about himself."

Jungkook laughed, sounds like hyung. "Give him time, hyung. Yoongi can seem cold and cut off, but once you get to know him, you'll see why you guys were paired together."

Hoseok smiled, "Okay I'll try. Thanks, man." And to that, they waved goodbye and soon Jungkook's shift was over.

To his surprise, he saw Taehyung on the monorail back. "Hey hyung."

He smiled, seemingly tired. "Hey, shift done?"

Jungkook nodded, "Yeah, it was another boring one. How were classes?"

Taehyung's eyebrow raised, "How did you know I did classes?"

Jungkook heated up, he forgot that Hoseok was the one who told him that. "Oh, I saw Hoseok today and we were talking a bit."

Taehyung laughed at this, "Did he forget to get milk again?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Hoseok usually does most of the shopping for us since I'm doing more classes to try and catch up. He seems to always forget to buy milk. He must have picked it up after he practiced." He shakes his head at his hyung's absentmindedness.

"So you guys are roommates then?" Jungkook asked. Why was he so interested in Taehyung?

"Yeah, second year together. What about you and Yoongi?"

Jungkook smiles a bit, "Yoongi and I have been friends since High School. It was more-so luck that we had the same monorail stop. From there, we kinda rekindled our friendship."

"So, your not roommates?" he asked. Jeeze now he seems to be the one interested in Jungkook, not that he minded. He liked talking to Taehyung.

Although, he noticed that Taehyung's stop was coming up. So, to continue their conversation, he decided to get off with him. "What are you doing?" he asked as the two stepped on the platform.

Jungkook shrugged, "Wanted to continue our talk. Is that such a bad thing?"

Taehyung chuckles, "No, not really. Just..." he then nervously shifted, "Surprised, I guess."

Jungkook chuckled, the two walking to wherever the older was taking them. "To continue where we left off, no, Yoongi and I are not roommates. I..." his cheeks heat up, "Well, I live alone."

Taehyung stops walking to turn to him in shock, "Really?" Jungkook nodded. "That's surprising. I'd think you'd be with your soulmate or something by now."

Hearing that hurt his heart. He knew he'd never find his soulmate, and in all honesty, he stopped looking a while ago. "You do realize I'm younger then Yoongi and Hoseok...and they just noticed they were soulmates like...two days ago?"

Taehyung looks pale, "Oh, yeah...No, that's not what I meant." he then face-palmed, "I meant you look...um..." His pale face turns pink as Jungkook raises his eyebrow, "...handsome."

Right after speaking the word, he quickly turns to start walking again. Jungkook felt himself heat up after hearing those words. He felt really happy to hear that word. Noticing Taehyung ahead of him, he quickly catches up.

"Well, thank you but I don't have a soulmate yet." he said. "By the way, where are we going?"

"To my apartment. You...want to join me? Since you basically followed me half-way?" He gave him a small smile.

"Oh, sure if it's not much trouble." Honestly, Jungkook wasn't planning on following Taehyung this far but since he did, he might as well just join him the rest of the way.

All he was hoping for was a nice relaxing evening to learn more about Taehyung...Nothing more.

A/N: Hey guys! So, I hope you guys are enjoying this. I want to thank you for all the reads we've gotten so far. I hope I don't let you down. ^w^

To those who are reading via phone app, can you see the whole story or just up to chapter 3? I was on my phone app and it shows my whole story is still published, but on the website I'm up to chapter 3. Please, if you could tell me so I know what's going on, that'd be great. Thanks for all the help!!

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