14 | Champagne

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A/N: Just for those who are curious... I'm getting these different color names from this site: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colors_%28compact%29

So yes, 'blush' and 'champagne' is an actual color >w< Ok! Yay! This chapter is going to have (obviously) alcohol!! Yay~


"Yay!" Taehyung cheered as he poured wine for him, Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok.

Jungkook chuckled at his boyfriend.

"Cheers to the new soulmates!" Hoseok beamed. Glasses clicked and they all took sips.

Yoongi and Hoseok downed theirs and went for their second glass while Taehyung drank like half.

Jungkook decided to be responsible between the two and decided to do one drink and then he'd drink water. Then there was a knock on the door.

Since Yoongi and Hoseok were already downing their third glass and Taehyung was already saying some random joke and didn't really hear the door, Jungkook went to open it.

He opened it to see two boys, both older than him. "Um...hi?" He asked unsure who these people were.

"Yo! Jimin, my man!" Taehyung exclaimed as he walked up to the door.

The one with dark brown hair smiled, his eyes being hidden with a cute eye smile.

"Hello, Taehyung. We've made it a few minutes late. This boy was held back by his company to rerecord something."

Taehyung nodded to the other, "You must be Taemin. Nice to meet you." The two shake hands.

Jungkook was confused who these two were and why Taehyung knew them. He felt Taehyung wrap his arm around his waist and he blushed at the sudden closeness.

"Jimin, Taemin, this is my boyfriend Jungkook. Jungkook this is my friend who's the bartender to the bar I go to and his boyfriend."

Jungkook nodded, "Nice to meet you." He gave a slight bow. The couple smiles and they enter.

"Same to you. I've heard so much about you from Tae."

Jungkook blushed, "Oh, really?" He laughed with Jimin.

"Yeah he wouldn't shut up about you." Jimin laughed, falling into his boyfriend.

Taehyung blushed, "Jimin!" He whined as he handed the two glasses.

"Heeey! People!" Hoseok smiled, slightly swaying as he was already drunk from the plenty of glasses.

Taehyung introduced Jimin and Taemin to the two and the night went on.

"Thanks for coming by!" Hoseok slurred as he was almost passed out while Yoongi tried to give the boy water. Yoongi was somehow sober or didn't show signs of being drunk.

Jungkook nodded trying his best to lead Taehyung out to the car. "Have a Gucci night!" Taehyung slurred and fell into Jungkook.

"What am I supposed to do with you?" Jungkook muttered as he put him in the passenger seat and buckling him in.

Jimin and Taemin were staying over as they both got drunk and were unable to drive home safely.

Jungkook drove them to his apartment. Once there he looked over to the older who was passed out, mouth open slightly as he breathed.

Jungkook sighed, carrying him in the room and putting him on the bed. He grabbed water and got hangover medicine ready for tomorrow as he was sure the boy was going to have a killer headache tomorrow.

He went to the room to see Taehyung heaving into the trashcan. So he walked over to him and rubbed his back as he shook violently.

When he was done he grabbed the water and drank slowly. "Thanks." He said setting down the empty water bottle on the counter and then sitting on the bed, shuffled over to make room for Jungkook.

So, Jungkook quickly knotted the bag and took it outside before it smelled up the room and then came back to go into the covers. He cuddled against him, still not believing that he was dating Taehyung and they were soulmates.

He chuckled at the weird road that life was for him and Taehyung. Though he didn't care how weird it was since at the end he was happy with his handsome and talented boyfriend.

Smiling at his passed out boyfriend, he felt sleep finally take over and pass out.

A/N: So that happened. I'm pretty happy at how this was written.

I want to thank you all for your support! It means so much 😊

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