10 | Red Passion

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Jungkook just laid motionless on the couch listening to the tv playing in the background. He honestly didn't know what was on, but it helped draw out the silence.

A knock at the door woke him from his staring. With a sigh, he goes to the door to see Taehyung.

"Taehyung?" He asks, letting the boy in. He seemed out of breath as if he ran.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to apologize."

"Why did you run after kissing me?" Jungkook asked firmly, making Taehyung look up in confusion. "There are so many unclear questions."

"Can we sit down?" He asked, which Jungkook nodded leading the boy to the couch, turning off the boring news.

Taehyung looked to Jungkook, "I don't understand more so... why you aren't mad at me."

Jungkook sighed, "I just need to know why you kissed me."

Taehyung looked defeated as he looked down. "I'm not sure. I kinda... felt this sort of pull when I looked at your lips. After I did, I just ran. I was so scared you'd hate me." He quickly stopped his rambling as his cheeks went ablaze.

Why was Jungkook's heart fluttering so much? "I... don't understand. It's not like we're soulmates. I already told you I could see color. Besides, you don't see color!" Jungkook then felt a bit angry, "So, I don't understand! Were you trying to play with my emo-"

"Jungkook." Taehyung broke into Jungkook's emotional breakdown. "I never said if I saw color or not."

Jungkook froze, Yoongi told him yesterday some interesting facts, so he wasn't too surprised. Though, Taehyung continued.

"Jungkook, I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you this before. I didn't want to get our hopes up...but I see color as well."

Jungkook's heart burst through his ribcage. "Y-Yoongi told me that you choose Hoseok's hair color."

Taehyung sighed, "Yeah...I actually was able to see color since I could remember."

His world slowly was flipping around. "I...How?" He asked, still unsure of what was going on.

"I don't really know why either." Taehyung then shyly smiled.

"Taehyung...I literally felt like my lips were on fire after you kissed them. I wanted to embrace you so much." He felt tears prick at his eyes. "And why am I always so nervous around you?"

Taehyung seemed surprised by all the questions, "Wait, you felt that way too? Did you feel a sort of magnetic pull between us?"

Jungkook quickly nods, "I always felt like I needed to get closer to you. That's why I was so quick to want to know so much about you. I just assumed that you weren't my soulmate because you never said you saw color. But... still. I'm so confused. We never met before."

Taehyung nodded, "I know, but I think we shouldn't think too much about it. We could've brushed past each other one random day, who knows. But..." Taehyung looks down to his hands, fiddling with his fingers, "Want to go on a date to test the waters?"

Jungkook swore he had a heart attack as his heart seemed to beat into overdrive, "S-Sure."

Taehyung gave him a box smile, tackling him into a hug. He ruffled Jungkook's hair and Jungkook felt butterflies flutter in his stomach. Even though it sounded cliche, he found no other way to describe the new feeling in his guts.

He felt relieved and happy. He was excited to get closer to the older.

A/N: Ok, so here's where I started to change the title to something more color themed. I think it's perfect timing because it also symbolizes a new 'chapter' in their lives as they are both seeing what their emotions are saying.

I hope you guys are liking this updated version better. College is a huge headache but luckily my one professor was out today so I had time to edit this... ^_^ See ya next chapter!!

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