9 | Dark Colors of Love

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A/N: Hey, so for old readers I hope my edits are making this story a lot better. Honestly, I'm kinda happier with this as it makes so much more sense. 

Taehyung just laid on his bed in silence. He let the darkness of his room consume him as he just wished for death. He screwed everything up. He kissed Jungkook. How could he let this happen? He let his stupid wants get the better of him.

Jungkook surely hates him now.

"Taehyung, come on. Tell me what's up!" Hoseok called on the other side of his door.

"No." He pouted, engulfing him in his blankets.

"Don't make me come in."

"Leave me alone, Hoseok. I want to be alone right now. Please!"

He heard his friend sigh, "Alright, but if your not out by lunch I'm coming in."

"Whatever." He called, sighing in frustration. What was he supposed to do? He just went on his phone, watching videos and whatever, just to get his mind off of Jungkook. Damn that boy.

He didn't notice the hours go by until Hoseok barged into his room, turning on the light. "What do you want?!" He groaned.

"It's time for lunch. Eat up."

Taehyung saw he had a tray that had a sandwich and soup. He just sighed, taking the tray to eat.

"Please tell me what's wrong, Tae. I've never seen you this upset ever since your dad passed away."

Taehyung sighed, "I know, I'm sorry. Just... a lot happened."

"What happened, Tae. Please, I won't judge."

"I... kissed Jungkook."

Silence. Complete silence. It made Taehyung want to curl back into his covers as Hoseok calculated what has just been told to him.

"WHAT?!" He practically yelled, making Taehyung flinch back.

"I kissed Jungkook. I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing to me?"

"I don't know." Taehyung hid his face in his hands.

"Hey, hey. I'm sorry. It's just, I wasn't expecting this. I always saw you two practically at the hip so I just was surprised. So... you like him?"

Taehyung blushed, "Y-Yeah but I don't know what happened. He was there and I just... felt like I had to kiss him."

Hoseok smiled, "That's cute."

"No it's not... He's probably not my soulmate."

"Why do you say that?"

"Even though he sees color he probably has someone else. I've only met Jungkook a few months ago. It's impossible."

"You might have met him before but just don't remember. Or, you could be those cases that your first soulmate passed but you get a second chance... Or-"

"Hoseok, I think you lose your color sight if your soulmate passes."

"But you think you never saw them before. It's possible that they died at birth. Then, your eyesight just was given to you since you never got the chance."

"And your saying that that very small chance happened to Jungkook as well?" Taehyung chuckled at the very low chance of that happening.

"Hey, I'm trying to help. Look, when I'm with Yoongi, things happen. You feel like certain things need to happen. When I saw him at the train I saw the colors around me but he... he was shining." Hoseok sighed. "I think the first kiss we had was something like what you described. I felt this... how do I put it? Magnetic pull?"

Taehyung looked to him, "Wait, really? That's what I felt!"

"See? So you felt the pull! That's a way of telling you he's the one!"

"But... how? I've never seen him before..."

"Again, maybe you did. Taehyung, I think your thinking way too into this. You like him, you felt like you had to kiss him, you two fit perfectly. Who knows maybe you touched the same book he touched? Maybe you bumped into him on the monorail? Taehyung so many people simply pass us that we don't even think about."

Taehyung thought. His hyung had a point. Maybe when he was out with his parents he could have brushed past Jungkook. It wasn't impossible.

"Wow... I never thought about that."

Hoseok chuckles, "Not everyone practically falls into their soulmate Taehyung. Your story is more interesting and special. Lost soulmate finally found."

Taehyung smiles, "Thanks Hoseok. Just, now how do I fix this?"

"I think I'll call my boyfriend over here while you go get your man."

Taehyung finishes his lunch, "Sounds like a good plan to me. Thanks so much, hyung. Your seriously the best friend I could ever have."

His hyung pulls him into a hug, "You too. You have no idea how happy I am for you, Tae. Now, go shower. You need to look fresh before you ask him out."

The two laugh as Taehyung does as commanded, styling his brown hair a bit and put a bit of makeup on to hide his small bags under his eyes. "Alright, I can do this."

He takes his wallet and walks to go ask the most important question in his life.

A/N: Okay, wow. This took... like two hours XD I am honestly really happy with how much better this story is. I hope you guys like the changes. After I'm done editing this I might edit Little Secrets as that story needs some editing. X3 Anyways, thanks so much for the votes and reads. See you hopefully soon.

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