"Here at Stark Tower we don't allow bullying so if you bully anyone you will have 3 strikes before you have to sit in the bus for the rest of the tour. Please listen to the interns here, do not step out of line, here at Stark Tower we do not re-print badges unless lost for security purposes and they will expire in 5 hours by the time the tour ends, and let's go." He walked off as the decathlon team followed behind. They had won a tour here thanks to their recent competition. Flash would not leave peter alone to say the least.

"Come one Penis, why don't you show us around, huh? Or wait you don't have an internship here cause if a high school student where to get an internship here it would be me!" Flash taunted as him and his friends laughed. Happy saw this as he was about to speak MJ spoke up.

"Please I'm sure if anything you would never get an internship here cause of how stupid you are, you're only a fill in on the Academic Decathlon team. And the only reason you go to the school is because your dad paid them to let you" She stayed not even looking up from her book.

Flash a scoffed and turned back to Peter

"No wonder why your parents and uncle died they probably staged it to get away from you" Flash sneered. This angered Happy as everyone watched. MJ slammed her book shut and was about to speak when Peter stepped in.

"Their deaths where accidents and to be honest Eugene. If someone were to try to commit suicide they would climb your ego and jump to your IQ level so if I where you I would shut it and why don't you decide to take a jump off it." Peter didn't bother looking at flash as he finally took his headphones off and let them hang on his neck. The team looked shocked at Peter. He has never spoken up especially to Flash. Well the workers at the tower Ned and MJ, and Happy didn't look shocked, the visitors and his class did.

"Now shouldn't we be going? I believe Amanda will be giving us the tour and where supposed to be at the R&B labs in like half an hour or so." Peter stated looking at happy who just nodded and brought them to the intern, who was Amanda, and left them with her standing at the back.

"Hello everyone my name is Amanda and I will be the one showing you around Stark Tower today. Now when I call your names please come and collect your badges. Eugene Thompson, Cindy Moon, Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, Abraham Attah, Liz Toomes, Sally, Jason Lonello, Betty Brant, Charles, Tiny." As everyone's names where called they got their badges and put them on.

"Hey Penis hasn't gotten a badge!" Flash yelled.

"That's the second warning Eugene. One more and you're on the bus and the tour hasn't even started yet" Happy stated glaring at him.

Amanda also glares at him when she sees Peter she smiles and goes to hug him.

"It's good to see you Peter. How's your aunt."

"It's good to see you too and she's good. How's your cat Diana."

"She's good her broken leg is healing thank you for asking. Anyways let's get started with the R&B labs, then we can learn the history of all the Avengers and Stark Tower! But first we have to go through security, so everyone follow my league. You walk through this while swiping your badge." Amanda walked through and,

Amanda Warner Beta level 50.

"That is FRIDAY. Tony Stark's IA. She will say your name and badge level." Amanda explained.

Flash pushes to the front and swiped his badge proudly.

Eugene Thompson. Omega 10.

"How do you get Beta 10 and I only get omega 10?" Flash asked.

"Cause your only here on a tour, and there are places that are restricted." Amanda explained, as everyone swiped in and FRIDAY called everyone names out. Next was peter. Yay.

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