"Hello to you too Ro-boat."

I take a step back, still grinning, "What the hell are you doing here? And why are you wearing a tux?"

Flynn's about to respond when suddenly, there's a loud sneeze next to me. To clarify, I mean a loud fake sneeze.

Everyone turns their heads to Luke as we all look at him weirdly.

Luke lifts his eyes and moves them to Flynn, scanning him up and down, "Excuse me, but, who are you?"

Flynn holds out his hand, "Flynn Davies, pleasure to meet you. I'm a part of Rowan's gang back in Manchester."

Luke hesitates for a second before shaking it, "So, what exactly are you doing here? In America?"

Flynn grins slightly, "I'm here to help out. At least for tonight. I had a break in Manchester and I missed the Royals, so I decided to fly in."

I smile, "That's awesome! I can't wait to show you around a little bit. Maybe tomorrow?"

Flynn nods, "I'd like that."

I hear a slight scoff come from Luke.

I turn to him with a raised eyebrow, "Do you need something?"

"Actually, I was just going to say that we need to get going."

"Luke's right. We have to go." Rosie says.

We all pile into our designated cars, and Flynn rides with Luke and I. The whole ride to the gala Luke keeps quiet while Flynn and I catch up. By the time we reach the building, I have tears of laughter streaming down my cheeks.

Luke, Flynn and I all stop right outside the doors.

Luke looks at Flynn, "Alright British boy, keep yourself under the radar and try to find any sketchy deals going on. We showed you Rico and Johnathan, so don't draw attention to yourself."

Flynn nods, "Got it."

"Good. Don't mess this up Flip."

"It's Flynn."

Luke shrugs, "Same thing."

I give Flynn an apology look and give Luke an incredulous look.

Luke wraps an arm around my waist and brings me closer to him. I feel his hand slightly tighten and his face relax.

I lean towards Luke, "You know, you don't have to be so mean to Flynn. He's super nice and has done absolutely nothing to you."

Luke shrugs, "I just want to make sure he knows what he's doing."


Luke just grins back at me and walks us towards the door. The three of us walk into the large ballroom where hundreds of people are chatting.

"Excuse me? Forget about someone?"

We turn around to see a seething Ashlyn standing with her hands on her hips.

Ashlyn glares at me, "Way to be a team player Rowan. Almost forgetting me." She eyes Flynn with annoyance, "And who is this?"

"This is Flynn. He's from my gang in Manchester. He's helping us tonight."

Ashlyn just rolls her eyes, "Whatever." She seems to think for a bit until her eyes light up, "I have a great idea. Since Flynn seems to be so close to Rowan, maybe they should go as dates. Luke can be my date for tonight."

I see Flynn shrug and Luke furrow his brows. I really don't want Luke and Ashlyn near each other for the whole night, especially as a fake couple.

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